
What mobile network?

by  |  earlier

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I am on 3. Their signal strength has a lot to be desired. I sometimes miss calls due to lack of network coverage, on other occasions the connection drops. It is a joke! I use the internet on my phone and I live in the South East. Any one got any network recommendations? I am sensing o2, Orange or Vodafone would be the way to go. All offers are quite similar at the moment, so basically I just want to know what, in your opinion, is best for 3G internet usage, 2G phone calls and customer service? Cheers




  1. well im a huge fan of o2, have been with other networks but i find o2 the best, always get thru to customers services no problem and they are friendly and helpful, plus o2 has a great range of tarrifs with free calls texts etc, i dont use the internet much on my phone but havent had a problem when i do, signal etc is always great. ( no i dont work for 02 lol)

  2. o2 are always good signal and great service  

  3. I'd say to go for o2 too. I've been with them for years. I use mobile internet all the time and I don't know if other networks are better but it's certainly good enough for casual usage. The tariff I'm on is good too, I have unlimited wap usage and also video calling is used in your free minutes. General signal has never been a problem. Customer service are really useful too and whether they have call centres in India I'm not sure, but they have one in Glasgow and they're very polite and helpful!

  4. I've been on orange for 12 years. I haven't had any problems yet. They have good package rates for calls and internet use. They have good coverage of 2G and 3G calls.
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