
What modern day event or things shows the same ?

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lack of faith in God as did the tower of Babel? If there is anything that comes screaming to your mind why are you giving the answer you give?




  1. Well... I'd sat the shuttle program and Apollo missions certainly show that god doesn't smite people who go too high any more...

  2. This is great day of Lucifer's power, the breakdown in the family unit, singly and individually is worse than the tower of Babel.  s**t on the internet, books, novels, mags., news, everywhere you look s*x is plastered, enticing, selling everything possible, s*x immorality of all kinds.  And we sit here not blinded not seeing the lowering of every standard, dress, words, actions. And when there are more wicked that righteous, he will come.

  3. The proliferation of Christian Denominations and Christian Sects.

  4. womens liberation

    it has backfired...

    illegal immigration

  5. There isn't anything locally happening that requires screaming.

    If it works for you, try free screening at The Salvationon Army, they can help you for free.

  6. The only thing I can think of is Microsoft. The company has become a god to a lot of people, and the devil to the rest of humanity.

    Basically towers are everywhere.  To some people their job is a tower, to others their family or relationships.  Anything that diverts your eyes from the one true god can be called a tower.

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