
What modifications would a 41-foot boat (Sea Ray) require in order to make a voyage from Florida to Brazil?

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I have been given a 41-foot Sea Ray and I plan to use it to make a cruise from Florida to Brazil. Does a boat of this size and type have sufficient cruising range to traverse the longest stretches of the voyage without refueling? If not, what modifications to the boat would be necessary in order to safely make such a voyage? Thanks!




  1. The short answer to this question is: NO... the amount of fuel and fresh water you need to make that trip will probably sink your SeaRay before you ever leave the dock... if not, it will surely sink at the first big wave that comes over your bow.  

    The long answer is:  If your vessel has the factory standard fuel tank, you have 335 gallons of fuel. (thats roughly 2500 lbs of fuel)  At 1,000 rpms (just above idle speed for your engine)  you should get approx 9 mph with a maximum range of about 500 miles (if she is really tuned and trimmed well).  This means you would have to add about 12,100 lbs of fuel to make the 3,600 nautical mile trip from Miami to San Paulo. So, if the weight of all that extra fuel doesn't sink your Sea Ray... the first big wave over your bow will... But that is only part of your problem... if you are so lucky as to survive that, you will most surely die of thirst anyway... as you only have a 100 gallon fresh water tank - and 100 gallons of fresh water will not last you the entire year you will spend cruising through the tropics.  And in fact, if you are taking along an inexperienced female as your first mate, after she takes her first shower, she will use up the balance of your fresh water sometime on day two - by simply flushing the toilet.  If you make it across the Gulf Stream, and then island hop your way through the Caribbean, you will still not find fuel or fresh water to complete your voyage.  (I know, I have been there, and I have witnessed the fact that running out of fresh water turns back more sailors than anything else)  However, the Sea Ray is is not intended for such a trip.  If you want to make the trip in a boat... sell that one, and get a boat made for blue water - ocean passage cruising. Believe me... such an attempt in that boat will risk your life and all those aboard, as well as the lives of those that come to your rescue.  Now, I am not meaning to discourage the voyage... only the vessel.  That vessel was not made for crossing the open seas - any more than it was made to cruise successfully  over Niagara Falls...  and in fact, I do believe the Coast Guard would stop you.  (They do have the last word on sea worthy vessels) Though they won't actually "prevent" you from going, they will have you sign off on a waiver whereby they are officially telling you if you attempt such a stupid stunt, they will not come to your rescue.  However... all is not lost - with a little research on your part, you can find a vessel that will make the trip safely and comfortably.  And you will probably be able to find one for an even trade... but, you need a lot of study and preperation on your part before you should attempt this voyage as well.

  2. if you are asking advice on this forum for the intended voyage you really should re-think it.  

    what is the size of fuel tanks on this boat?

    what is the cruising range?

    what is the longest stretch you need to cover befroe refueling?

    can this boat handle any potential bad weather?

    do you have any seamanship skills?

    it may be safer to load it on a liner services to SA.

    good luck!

  3. Ola, ate parece q estamos no mesmo barco, pois tive a mesma ideia ha uns 6 meses, porem varios amigos me falaram sobre perigos e bla bla bla.... mas ainda estou com uma pulga atras da orelha, pois ate vi na net lugares para dormir e reabastecimento, nas ilhas POrto Rico, Republica Dominicana, Ilhas Virgens, colombia, Venezuela..... he muito interessante. Porem minha ideia era de adquirir um sea ray de 32.... he o q  estava cabendo no meu bolso .... Conheco um colega q veio da africa do sul, ficou no brasil por 1 mes em seguida veio para os EUA. Falou q vale a pena, mas tem q estudar cartas nauticas e outras informacoes importantes antes de partir.... Tb deu um frio na barriga sobre o q eu faria com o barco quando chegar la.. com relaao a documentacao, venda coisas desse tipo, se souber de algo,,, fico grato..... e o mesmo se eu souber de novas informacoes podemos nos ajudar....


    Allex Gomes

  4. I imagine it will cost you a heck of a lot for fuel, and these things are not good on gas.  If you get 1 mile per gallon I would be surprised.

    It depends on the type of power - if it's diesel it will be more fuel efficient.

    Still, it would be a really interesting voyage.

  5. how big is the fuel tank ?

    Desel or Gasoline ?

    Engine(s) sizes type ?

    Take a GPS.

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