
What money to take to cozumel?

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Hi I am going t be staying in an all inclusive resort in cozumel and just wanted to know how much and what money to take we are going for 2 weeks thanx




  1. Take your bank card and take out cash (in pesos) as you need it.  Best exchange rate using this method.

    Maybe take about $100 to get you started until you can get to a bank.

  2. I am going to cozumel mexico soon too. I have been to mexico many times seeing as how u are from the UK bringing euros isn't all that good of an idea.If you can get your hands on US Dollars do it. Dollars are used about as much as pesos if not more. Bring small bills like 1,5,10 and at the most 20's. Keep your money in your front pocket not in your back pocket you can get pick pocketed easy. don't carry a large amount of money in a bundle and use that bundle to pay for items while shopping if you do this you will be noticed by people who want to rip you off. I know I am making it sound like mexico is some shady spot but really it is sooo much fun. Just be safe and don't drink and drive and don't get too intoxicated in public the Federal Police will use this to their advantage.

  3. just remeber that like 10 pesos to every 1 american dollar..use your atm card and take out small bits at a time..make sure to keep ur money in the hotel safe...carry only what u need for the afternoon..u can always go get more from the hotel..better than losing it all..or worse, ur bankard..dont carry it on u!!

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