
What monkey has the longest tail?

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What monkey has the longest tail?




  1. When it comes to primates I am better with apes.... but when it comes to the body size the Long-Tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) is up there.  Not sure if they have the longest compared to their body size, but I do know they are in the top.  Spider Monkeys are also in the top, however unlike Long-Tailed Macaques, there are around 15 species (if you count sub-species) of spiders.

    Just remember, do not judge it just by the length of the tail, you have to factor in body size too.  For example if you have two monkeys with 2' long tails but one monkey is half the size of the other... though their tails are the exact same lenght, the smaller monkey would win.

  2. probably mandingo

  3. a leamer ?

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