
What month did the civil war end??

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what month did the civil war end?

the one from 1860-1865




  1. April 12, 1861 (hostilities start) April 9, 1865 (Lee surrenders to Grant)

  2. The usual answer is given above.  However another large rebel Army did not surrender until April 26, near Durham NC, under the command of Joseph E. Johnston, and the last Confederate army east of the Mississippi did not surrender until May 8, under the command of Richard Taylor.  The Confederates west of the Mississippi, under Kirby Smith, did not surrender until late May.

    Most of the serious fighting was finished by early April, but the last "battle" was a Confederate victory, at Palmito Ranch, Texas, May 26.

    The last shots were fired by the CSS Shenandoah, which was also the last to haul down the Confederate flag.  It had traveled from the northern Pacific to Liverpool, England to do so, and the crew struck the colors and walked off on November 6.

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