
What month did your infant fit into 6-9 month clothing?

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olivia is 3 1/2 months and is in 3-6 month clothing... i was just wondering because im a first time mommy and everybody says they grow fast.....right now shes a little over 12lbs..




  1. she was in 6-9 for two seconds.  she started fitting into them at 6 months and now that she's almost 8 months she's wearing size 6-12 and 9 months.  she's about 19pounds, i'm guessing.  

  2. My kid's all fit into 6-9 month clothing at about 5 and a half months.

  3. my little one is only 5 weeks old and weights 10 lb's and i dont think she will be far off from 3 - 6 mnth old clothing but she is quite long  

  4. 7 month wearing 6-12 months or 6-9 months Shes tiny though only 15 pounds. But tall.

    Average baby weights:

    2 months: 8.1- 13.0 lbs

    3 months: 9.5- 15.1 lbs

    4 months: 11.0- 17.4 lbs

    5 months: 12.5- 19.5 lbs

    6 month: 13.0 - 21.0 lbs

    9 months 15.6 - 24.2 lbs

    the higher pounds are not very common.

  5. when my son was a month old he was in 3-6 month clothes, he has been a rather large baby since he was born. he was in 6-9 month clothes by 3 months of age. he is currently 11 months old and wears 24 month old clothes. all babies grow at different speeds though. you will notice when its time to move up in sizes as the clothes start to fit tighter.

  6. My son is 11 months and still fits into most 6-9 month clothes, depending on the brand.  He's (obviously) on the smaller side; he's 19.6lbs now but he was only 5lbs 6oz when he was born...little peanut!

  7. My son was in 3-6 month sizes at 2 months. He's now ten days away from 4 months and weighs 16 pounds. He's a big baby lol.

    Your baby sounds perfectly healthy. And yes they do grow fast! Congrats on being a first time mom- I am too. Never thought I would have kids, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

  8. My son started wearing 6-9 month clothes at about 5 months.  He is 6 months now and is already wearing 9 month clothes.

  9. my baby is 9 months and just now fitting into 6 month clothes. she's only 17 pounds though.  

  10. My Eli wore 6 to 9 months from 3 months till about 6 and a half months. He is 7 months now and wears 12 months in ralph lauren, quicksilver, juicy, green dog and Circo but wears 9 month old navy, carters, absorba, Janie and Jack and Puma. It drives me crazy that all brands vary so greatly!

    My son is 22lb 12 oz, 28 inches though.

  11. haha yeah my daughter bree was 4 months wearing 6-9 months clothes. I know how you feel! lol

  12. Hey there-

    My daughter is 5 months old. She is in very little of her 3-6 month clothing. Most of those are too tight or won't snap. I had her in a sleeper today because it was in the low 70s where I live today. It was 6-9 and it fit her perfectly. Not too sure on how long that will last though. I see her being in 9-12 month clothing by Christmas for sure. She is 18 lbs!! Probably over that. And growing out of her size 2 diapers!!!! With her pants she can still fit into some of her 0-3 month ones but they are just about capris on her. But hey, if they still fit somewhat then she's gonna wear them. They're comfy. If it's chilly out I just put long socks on her :)

  13. My baby is 10 weeks and fits into 6 month clothing. It is because he is tall though. Also he is 13 pounds!!

  14. I believe he was about 2 or 2.5 months when he started wearing that size. I had to keep upping his size, because he's so long! Finally, he has stayed in a 12 month for about the past 2 or 3 months. We were anticipating him getting bigger this summer, so we have a lot of clothes that he will never even grow into. LOL

  15. My son is 3 months and he fits in 6-9 month clothes. He is long and lean.  

  16. It depends on the baby - really - some of them start out gaining weight fast and then slow down - others gain weight really slow or fast their entire childhood. Most of my kids were wearing 6-9 month clothing at about 4-5 months, but one of them was wearing 6-9 month clothes until 12 months! It's hard to plan ahead. I just make sure to have the right size clothes for the season just a few weeks ahead of time to make sure I've got it right. Sometimes, I'll get things ahead of time and if they don't fit my child - I'll give it away to someone it will fit on!

  17. My son is 2 months and now wears 6-9 month clothing..He is very tall though and almost 16lbs!!

  18. 5.5 months here.

  19. My son was 10.3 when he was born and 22 inches long. It took him a month.

  20. My daughter started wearing 6-9 months at about 4 months.  But my sisters daughter was about 8 months when she got into 6-9 clothes.  So it really depends on if you have a small or large baby!

  21. mine will be 4 months next week and he's wearing mostly 6-9 month stuff but he's even in some 12 month stuff!  He's not that big - only about 14 lbs.  The sizing on baby clothes is very strange!

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