
What month do you think is ideal time to have a baby ?

by Guest61105  |  earlier

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My husband and i are thinking about trying soon. I really don't want a baby in the summer, esp where i'm going to have a toddler this time around too. Was thinking about planning for september or october but then of course your hot and miserable all summer, what do you think?




  1. April, May,or June it's not too hot or too cold..

  2. I would recommend having one in April or May because it's warm, but not unbearable. Not to mention, you would skip a summer pregnancy.

  3. i'd say well after the holidays.  maybe feb., mar., or apr.  no extra holiday confusion. or child birthday over school vacations or the dreaded 'nothing extra' at christmastime.  no heavy load during the hot summer.  no confusion as to the starting of school at the cut-off date.  in other words, not the oldest in the class, or the youngest.  for me, the youngest always, was NO fun.  i would have loved being in the middle.  it makes a difference when you're little.  then too, when baby is ready to look and see things, surprise, its summer and we can go for a walk to the park ect.  happy planning.

  4. I had my baby May 5th and I found it to be a good time.  It's still cool while you're pregnant and the baby is more settled during the summer.  By the next summer she was walking and had a great time outside.

  5. April or May is perfect because it isn't too hot or cold...your not pregnant during the summer...summer is just around the corner so it is easy to loose the post pregnancy weight...and it gives your baby some time to grow and mature before winter cold season  comes...

  6. We had my son in Sept....I was so miserable bc of the heat (in Texas) my last few months!!! Next time I told my husband we're shooting for Jan, Feb, or March!!

  7. Personally, I had my daughter in december, which was nice, because I worked all summer in air conditioning and I wasn't far enough along to have the heat bother me. Plus I was always running at a slightly warmer temp than I usually do, so winter was fun because it was a very mellow winter. I'm ttc right now, and if I do, I'll be due in may(if my 2ww ends happily), so it sounds better to me. I definitely wouldn't want to be in my 3rd trimester in summer though, I'd be melting, lol. My neighbor had her son last october and she did ok, but she wouldn't even come outside with her toddler in the summer, it was too hot for her. She spent most of the summer in her air conditioned bedroom while her toddler got all frustrated cause he wanted to go out and play.

    It's all about your heat tolerances though :D

    Good luck!  

  8. I've had a winter baby (November) and a summer baby (June).

    I prefer summertime babies. Staying indoors with air conditioning, actually enjoying my summer with my 3 year old, easy dressing (my toddler can dress himself and come out presentable it is just t-shirt, shorts, and sandals), AND summer maternity leave! I work outdoors and the summers in Florida are terrible hot and humid. This has been the best summer because I got to spend it relaxing at home enjoying the a/c with my children instead of sweltering in the heat. I had my baby and got out of work just as the weather started heating up. Best summer ever.

  9. I got pregnant on July 20th of last year and had my daughter on April 9th.  I didn't plan it but I think the timing was perfect.  I didn't show until almost 6 months along so I was able to enjoy all of my Summer and Fall before getting big.  Then I was able to hibernate all Winter as I got huge, LOL!  I am always hot and when I was pregnant it was no exception.  I can't imagine that during the heat of summer.  My daughter came in April so I didn't have to worry about a freak snow storm keeping me from getting to the hospital in time, and by the time I was released with my perfect little girl it was warm enough that I didn't have to worry about her freezing in the back seat on the ride home.  By the time the weather got really hot I had lost a lot of the baby weight and didn't mind so much being at the pool in a bathing suit.  Also it's been nice to be able to get out of the house with my daughter quickly.  If she was born during the cold weather and flu season I would have been very hesitant to take her out of the house for a while.  I would definitley recommend that time frame - which means you had better get busy or waith until next year!  Good luck!

  10. A lot of it is personal preference (like if your job is seasonal or when relatives can visit and help out).  As someone who is due on Sept 19, it is TOUGH at times being so pregnant when it is so hot!  I mean the whole third trimester is in the dead of summer and in Cali where I live, it does not cool down until October.  At least with a November due date you are not AS pregnant when the weather peaks.  My BF had hers Memorial Day weekend and she said that was ideal for her.

    However, we cannot always conceive right when we want and at the end of the day, I will not care that I sweated buckets this summer when I have my baby with me in a month.

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