
What month does it start snowing in beijing?what month is best to tour there while experiencing snow?

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what month does it start snowing in beijing? what month is best to tour there while experiencing snow? we're planning a trip in the winter...




  1. To my own personal experience from being in Beijing during winter...there is no snow fall. I saw snow once, but it was high in the mountains . I don't know if what I saw in the street was snow but I saw a big blob of grey gloop.

  2. Snowfalls are incredibly rare in spite of common misconception of winter season for Beijing. Since the atmosphere is dry, the rain/snow are probably less than the usual compared to other countries.

    The coldest month in Beijing is January, with an average temperature of -9 to -4 C;

    For snowfall go to Xingjiang,you will find plenty of it in winters.

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