
What month during the year seems to be over-whelmed with many birthdays and anniversaries?

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Mine is between the end of July until the beginning of October. So many cards/gifts/baking to do.....and then comes the big holidays. What is your busy month??




  1. To most folk in Scotland it is September due to the fact people get drunk and fall pregnant, the reason I said September is some people cant wait till Ner'day ha ha ha with my tongue in my cheek.

  2. January. About six birthdays in January, two of my sons, two of my daughters-in-law and two of their children.  

  3. 5 Birthdays in April!

  4. I have several birthdays, including my own, in September.  I guess it's because Wisconsin is so very cold in December & January.

  5. October and November share first place.

    March comes in a close second.

  6. November and December -  LOTS of birthdays.

  7. There are 5 people in my family with birthdays during the last week of August.  I guess my family thought December was romantic.

  8. November - January:

    11/21 - husband

    12/10 - dad

    12/13 - me

    12/31 - brother

    1/1 - mom-in-law

    And somewhere in there, we make time for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's.

  9. Well 12 of us kids and still 7 left and all the family.  we have every month except June, July, November, December !

  10. September, always.

  11. Around here it's December ... 7 birthdays all between Thanksgiving and January 1.  Egad!

  12. We have really spread out birthdays during the year. Mine is August (just had it Wed.), hubby is July. Kids are April, January and May. Son in law is Sept. Daughter in law is March. (So far, no doubles!). Other son in law is June.

    Grandkids are October, February, December, (this is for real!). Now. next grandchild is in Sept. like her Dad. another grandson is June, and little granddaughter is May. Just found out we are having a new grandbaby in April. So we are lucky. Really spread out. We had nothing in November, til my youngest daughter got married this past Nov.

    Our ann. is Dec.

  13. our family celebrations are pretty evenly spread out across the a group of friends our birthdays come in mrch/april and oct./ nov  so we have two lovely ,happy chatty outings together to look forward to each year .

  14. The most birthdays occur nine months after a cold-weather month.

    That's because snuggling leads to other things.  

  15. July... It seems endless. Birthdays, weddings, summer parties, vacation schedules.... Glad it's August :)

  16. Just in our immediate family we have five sons, five daughters-in-law and nine grandchildren (five of them have Dec. thru' Feb. birthdays). The only month for me that ISN'T overwhelming is October!!

  17. Ours are scattered out some. We have July and August. Then Dec. Jan, and Feb, then April. We have a birthday in Oct. and an anniversary in Oct. Seven months out of the year we are busy. Of course Christmas and Thanksgiving as well. We don't bake for birthdays, WE go out to celebrate. We do send cards and bring gifts. We send cards for anniversaries only.      Poppy

  18. Most birthdays in our family occur in November, December and January - just when ya need 'em the most, right?

  19. September a lot of people have s*x for x-mas 9 months later is Sept.

  20. August. Seems like i did everything in august.Costs me a bloody fortune.

  21. All year long. January to December. :-) I have 55 living relatives on my Mom's side alone. My Mom has 10 brothers and sisters. They had kids, the kids had kids, so on.That's not counting my Daddy's side. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Births, Family Reunions, BBQ's. etc. Plus, like you said, the holidays in between. Since I work for a non-profit org., I have to count all the federal holidays too. I usually do something for the members. :-)

    love ya


  22. My worst month is December . . Birthdays that month are my dad (2), my daughter (13), my nephew (17), my son (19), my best friend (23), and my Grandson (30) . . .Now add in Christmas and shopping and wrapping presents, and baking cookies, and cooking a huge meal for 10 people . . .I'm tired now, just thinking about it . . .but somehow it turns out to be the best month of the year ! ! !  

  23. December, there are 2 birthdays and Christmas

    January - 5 birthdays

    November - 3 ''birthdays and thanksgiving

  24. october and january!!

  25. November is my answer!!

  26. July is my busiest month. My mom's birthday is on the 4th. My brother's is on the 21st. Mine is on the 30th. My wedding anniversary is on the 21st along with my brother's birthday. My husband's best cousin's aniversary is on the 8th.

  27. For our family it's's a very busy month.

    We have 3 birthdays, and anniversary, we go on one of our vacations in August, and we host our family gathering the last Saturday in August.

  28. April- between birthdays,Anniversaries and sometimes Easter there is not much time except for partying. I love it.

  29. We have 4 family birthdays all in December. It can get a bit tough in gift giving with Christmas that month, but I never forget my family, even if it is only a birthday card. That is what most of us do anymore any more is send a card just to let them know they are thought of on their day. For the children, I usually tuck a few dollars in for them.

  30. October hits me hard. Then comes Thanksgiving and then Christmas. By Jan. I'm ready for a break with only one birthday. OOps that isn't quite right anymore.  My Great Grand-baby was born on Jan, 7th. So I have a baby and a 21 year old that month.Then March hits with my sons and my Mom's birthdays.. Then it's easy till July and I get hit again, not as bad as Oct. though.Then it starts all over again-right?But what a joy to have family to love and love us back.  I love it.

  31. December to mid-January

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