
What months are warm enough to surf on Long Island, NY???

by Guest58089  |  earlier

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  1. It depends on what kind of wetsuit u have (if u haave one) and how tolerante to the cold u are for me just about never!

  2. To follow on my other answer.  You can surf year round in LI.   It is all a matter of how tolerant you are of cold.  Wet suit technology has come a long ways so you can stay pretty warm even when it is freezing out.  Go to the NOAA National Data Buoy Website and find the buoy local to your area.  You can then look up the historical data for that buoy , which can give you a year long plot of average water and air temp so you can figure out your answer yourself.  Learning to use these buoys is a good skill for a surfer.

    If you have a car you can also make day trips south as the water starts cooling down to NJ, or weekend trips down to the Outer Banks in NC.  You'll get lots of answers about how awesome Cali is but surfing on the East Coast has a whole different vibe, localism is rare and people are pretty much happy to share their waves with you.

  3. june july august maybe begining of september

  4. mid june to very early september, though i don't think LI is the best place to surf.

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