
What more to a snake tank???

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I have about a 15 gallon snake tank, filled with

a good size water bowl on one side, a hiding spot on the other, and a red light on the top of the cage facing down at the hiding spot.

so what else should I have in there???




  1. sticks for the snake to climb on

  2. It depends on what type of snake you have.  Some snakes like to climb, some snaks burrow and some are shy and prefer hides.  Not to mention some need belly heat more than a light - especially ball pythons and that would require an undertank heater. Add what type of snake you have and we can give you ideas of what else yo might need.

  3. depends on the snake.  if it's a corn, king, or milk snake.  you need an under tank heater on one side of the tank (no light for these).  hide box on the hot side, water bowl on the cool side.  enough substrate for the snake to burrow in.  if its a ball python you need forest floor (also zoo med) a basking light on one side hide boxes on hot side and cool side.  water bowl on cool side.  

    all snakes need some kind of driftwood (pet store) to rub on when they are shedding.

  4. Depends what kind of snake your getting, can un give us more info? if its anything like a corn or python, a 15 gallon tank wont be big enough!

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