
What more will it take for this madness to end?

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The people are against the war in Iraq. The troops are against the war. The high-rank generals are aginst the war. What more will it take for this madness to end?




  1. Decode this lyrics " Wild, wild world"

    It's "a mad, mad world"

    In doing things at own whims and fancy out there.

    With code of honour "over my dead body"

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Decode this lyrics " Heal the world"

    "In God we trust"

    With Code of Honour of the Ten commandments.

    For the good of mankind.

    In making this world a better place to live.

    With the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.

    Matt 22.17-21,

    Luke 16.13

    Matt 22.32

    John 7.19

    John 8,44

    Matt 23.27

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  2. Some people are against the war, not all. Some troops are against the war, not all.

    Unlike you I cannot speak for any Generals.

    Please use facts next time.

  3. For the American people to wake-up and realize that a person that openly stole the 2000 election ignored 9 months of warnings about the Taliban was going to attack, then used falsified evidence and total lies to illegally invade a foreign nation.

  4. You exaggerate this quite a bit, one most soldiers support what we are doing in Iraq(I work and see it here everyday) and two those generals some have never been there, others were denied promotion by bush, and others are trying to cover up there negligence in what has happened in Iraq.

  5. for you to take a pill..

  6. a president and congress that actually work for the people...the voters...the people who put them in office and can just as easily replace them.

  7. The United States won the war.  Our problem is in trying to establish democracies and peace in a region and with a people who do not want either.

  8. do u like not haveing your knees not hurting , do u like not to have to speak german, do u like living without fear . if you dont like what i have 2 say then go 2 france , my uncle whent there in 1984  , they asked him 4 a passport . he said y do i need one , !!!  there wasnt a frenchman around in 1945 2 check it

  9. People in the streets. But nobody seems interested.

    Forcing the Congress to vote for amnesty for any military personal who refused to participate in this illegal war, so long as they lodge their moral opposition in advance of deployment, and not once they are in combat and obligated to the protection of other soldiers.

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