
What morning activities can i do for nursery childrenduring cirlcle time?

by  |  earlier

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  1. How about a little percussion music session. Just get some bells and rattles etc and get the babies to shake their booties to a pleasant little song.

  2. Let the chidlren take the lead - read stories but get the children to choose the ones they like. Sing songs, but again ask the children what they want to sing. Talk to the children, but more than anything LISTEN to what they are saying. Alliteration is always good fun eg. Use their names and get them to think of a word beginning with the same letter such as Tom's toes, Lily's legs etc. People don't talk and listen to their children these days - they are texting or watching tv or listening to their ipod, so circle time is essential for children to improve their communication skills. Don't plan too much or you'll take away the children's input.

  3. -'Imagination Travels' where everyone clsoes their eyes (soft music playing) and you walk on a journey somewherecan go to extreme of going to moon or just to the park next door. It's great for behavioural issues a the child often learn sefl-restraint.

    -Musical instruments-nothing beats a good old sing song )

    -A story-chose one with action or a repetitive line as children like to get involved.

    -Show and tell-children bring items from home and then take turns to go up the front of the class and talk about it. Great for PSE!

    -Visual timetable so group can talk abotu whats available children can share ideas on what they are going to do/make. You can then go back to this at the end of the session and see what they actually did!

  4. I guess I have done almost all of the things already suggested. Another fun thing to do is to hold up one of the children's names and tell them if this is your name put your hand on top of your head or stand up or clap your hands etc. Another fun thing to do is hold up a letter and have the children raise their hand if they know it.

  5. Try the memory game i went shopping and i bought then the next one says i went shopping and bought the item said by the 1st person followed by their own and so on, so long as the group isn't too big this is good fun. An alternative is on the tree in my garden grows same principle using fruit etc.

  6. There are many resources out there on the web as well as in book form that you can check out at the library!  Just search "circle time activities" or "preschool activities".

    When I worked preschool and now that my child care children are getting to preschool age...our circle time followed a routine.  They knew exactly what was coming next.  

    Hello Song- monthly songs that had the children's names incorporated for name recogntion and spelling practice.

    Calendar- singing a months of year song, days of week song, counting, patterning, using words yesterday, today, tomorrow.

    Weather-including weather graph

    Minimal material ABC, shape, color, number song... using large motor in at lesat 2 of them.

    Transition to next activity that has some learning value.

    A recent ABC activity we did was to the Tune of Who Let the Dogs Out.  We sang...Who Let the Letters Out.   Dr. Jean... I played it on the CD (which went to fast for my little ones) and then we sang it again at our own speed and let one of the children be the "teacher".  I used a magnet board and lower case magent letters and printed out a dog house and sticky tacked it to the magnet board.  We put each letter as we sang it in the door way of the dog house.  

    Who let the A out /a/ /a/.

    Who let the B out /b/ b/.  Etc.

    Music is a great learning tool.  Rhythm instruments are wonderful.  Rhythms on Parade by Hap Palmer is a good CD but you can use any song really and make up your own!

  7. Passing round a teddy bear and each child saying something e.g. their favourite food or book.

    Hot Potato.

    A song.

    Music lesson e.g. they bang a few instruments.

  8. we do attendance, pledge, morning song, calendar, story - first activity - music - second activity, snack, free choice.

  9. Sing songs such as, abcs  twinkle twinkle little star,head shoulders knees and toes. Name recognition for each child

  10. Hot potato! My kids loved it. They're 5 and 7 now and still play it sometimes. You can have as many kids playing as you like.

  11. music sticks...tape player and those sticks that have ridges and they make sounds...there are plenty of tapes that go along with this!

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