
What mosquito repellant should I use for an 18 month old?

by Guest62769  |  earlier

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What mosquito repellant should I use for an 18 month old?




  1. I am pretty sure it's ok to use any on a child of that age. We use Off. Seems to be ok. I think you can use it over age 6 mos. I can't find mine or I would read it. I'll go look.

    Ok, I was looking online, and some people said Clifornia Baby's Sunscrean w/ Citronella at Whole Foods is good. A lot of people said you can rub a bounce dryer sheet on their body and that helps. Never tried it. Good luck.

  2. My favorite is Burt's Bees.  It works amazingly well.  When my daughter was a toddler, we lived near a lake, and there were tons of mosquitos.  We sprayed Burt's Bees on the kids, and they could walk into a swarm of mosquitos, and it looked like the kids had 12 inch force fields around them!

    If you can't find Burt's Bees, look for something natural, with ingredients you can pronounce.  An 18-month-old has thin skin, and cannot process the toxins in the nasty chemical bug repellants.

    Another thing to look for is the phrase "DEET-free".  DEET is the worst of the nasty toxins that get put into insect repellants, and should be avoided completely.

    (By the way, Avon's Skin So Soft is not natural or gentle, despite it being a lotion, and it also doesn't work very well.)

  3. I think pretty much anything is okay after about a year.  But I know the spray has got to be tough to get on a child that age, they don't understand close their eyes and mouth and stay still, but they have those wipes you can use now that I've seen.  They also have one that's still a spray but it's something smooth by OFF and it's supposed to not be so greasy.  The wipes might be a good idea though instead of a spray getting in their mouth or eyes.

  4. We use OFF.  It seems to work great and my son has never had a problem with it.  Make sure nto to get it on their hands so they don't ingest it, but other then that the formula shoudln't harm their skin unless they have seom weird allergy to it.  Also, baby lotion also seems to help.

  5. An 18 month old mosquito...hmmm thats a tricky one!

  6. I have the perfect all natural bug stuff that really works and

    smells good and no it is not skin so soft. It is lewey's eco-blends buzz-off. It is made in Maine and I live in Maine so I'm not sure if you can find it but there is a website: and the phone # is 1-866-leweys-1.

    ingredients: lemongrass oil 3% peppermint oil2% thyme oil 2%geranium oil 1.5%rosemay oil 1.5% inert ingrediants: soybean oil vitamin e oil and wheatgerm oil.

    cant get any better than that!! I swear by it nothing works better use for the whole family!

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