
What motivates bullying?

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What motivates bullying?




  1. to make yourself feel better about you self. but i don't think its right to bully.

  2. Taking control of a situation, just like various forms of dominating behavior. Bullying could be anything from road rage, to bar room pushing and shoving etc. as an adult but in kids its basic Im better and tougher than you stuff, I think some kids like the attention they get from others being the tough and loud one in school.

  3. Finding someone that wont stand up for themselves and having someone that doesnt get enough attention at home picking on them

  4. Weakness, problems at home, repressed homosexuality, mental sickness

  5. small penises

  6. having no concern for other people's feelings

  7. Low self esteem, and feelings of powerlessness.

  8. Being bigger than the other person?

    I don't know, i'm not a bully.

  9. A bully usually has low self-esteem and abuses others to convince himself/herself that he/she is better/superior to the person being bullied.  In doing so, the bully is reassured that he/she amounts to more than "nothing," since he/she has (at least in the bully's mind) reduced someone else to being even lower than he/she believes himself/herself to be.

  10. Insecurity, fears and the need to impose the self over some lesser being to seem to stand out and be BIGGER than you are really.

    The reasons for the insecurity  and fear, and the very NEED to impose the self, are subjective.


  11. well it depends....what makes u want 2 hurt someone?

  12. Feeling of inadequacy or insecurity on the inside. So they over compensate to appear solid & strong so people will like them....they tend to pick on the weaker, nonagressive & unpopular kids (easy targets) cause it makes them feel superior to someone. They won't just pick on anybody if you'll notice. Most of the time if you challenge them they will back down because they don't want to draw attention to them selves in a negative way. In other words is all show! But then there are just plain old mean & rotten to the core people too! That is a chemical imbalance or something.!

  13. There are a lot of things that can cause and motivat bullying.

    First there can be the bully feeling insecure or inadiquote in some way, for example the person who lives on a council estate may bully the person who lives in the big hourse.

    There is also the thought that those in larger numbers will pick at the smaller ones, this often includes homophobia and racism.

    However, most of the time, the only exucse is the general dislike for the victim and the buly feeling that it is funny or gets injoyment from bulling the person.

  14. some people bully because they want to hide there feelings and if they are feeling bad, then they want to pick on people who are just people and who haven;t done anything to them....they just wanna feel big and bad...but aka they are just mean loosers

  15. Research indicates that adults who bully have personalities that are authoritarian, combined with a strong need to control or dominate.[9] It has also been suggested that a deficit in social skills and a prejudicial view of subordinates can be particular risk factors.[10]

    Further studies have shown that while envy and resentment may be motives for bullying,[11] there is little evidence to suggest that bullies suffer from any deficit in self esteem (as this would make it difficult to bully).[12] However, bullying can also be used as a tool to conceal and boost self esteem: by demeaning others, the abuser himself feels empowered.

    Researchers have identified other risk factors such as quickness to anger and use of force, addiction to aggressive behaviors, mistaking others' actions as hostile, concern with preserving self image, and engaging in obsessive or rigid actions.[13]

    Bullying may also be "tradition" in settings where an age group or higher rank feels superior than lowerclassmen, such as in the Russian Army where conscripts in their second year of service typically bully and control first year conscripts.

    It is often suggested that bullying behavior has its origin in childhood:

    "If aggressive behaviour is not challenged in childhood, there is a danger that it may become habitual. Indeed, there is research evidence, to indicate that bullying during childhood puts children at risk of criminal behaviour and domestic violence in adulthood."[6]

    Bullying does not necessarily involve criminality or physical violence. For example, bullying often operates through psychological abuse or verbal abuse.

  16. The geeks make it took easy for them!

  17. Insecurity and society's prejudices.

  18. Some say that it is motivated by a low self esteem or a desire to assert power.

  19. Insecurity.

  20. There are many things that can make someone believe they should bully. If they have had hard life in the past, or if their parents abuse them the same way, or if someone  tells them they can't do anything right then they might go to bullying because they believe that bullying is the only thing they can do right. Or maybe sometimes they think they are so head macho person that they can get away with bullying people. but mainly it is something going on in their lives.

  21. I think the bully feels bad about him or herself so they try to put down someone else so they feel better

  22. insecurity, being abused at home

  23. Fear leads to anger.

    Anger leads to hate.

    Hate leads to suffering.

    Yoda had it right. Bullies aren't in attack mode, they're in constant defense in the belief that everything else is attacking them. That's why if you beat a bully down, they don't usually come back. In reality, the best way to defeat a bully is to fight back when they attack, beat them down, and then help them back up.  Simply beating them down only results in more bullying.

  24. We can think the bullying motive is  "a wilful conscious desire to hurt another and put him/her under stress"

  25. being bullied is movtivated by already knowing how it feels or their own emotional problems that they take out on other people.

  26. MONEY

  27. if they think they are better than them

  28. False sense of accomplishment and joy.

  29. Insecurity, peer pressure, and often, abuse.

  30. bullies are cowards and their motivation is power over someone weaker than themselves, faced with someone bigger they are just nothing.

  31. society constantly making excuses for the bully and blaming the victim

    the solution?

    all gang up on the bully until they stop and stay stopped - make absolutely sure there is zero tolerance for it

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