
What motivates u to fight till the end even if u fail each time u try??

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What motivates u to fight till the end even if u fail each time u try??




  1. When attaining a particular result consumes you.

    One goal excluding all other possibilities.

    The belief that it is possible. The confidence that says you can. A personal need to make it happen.

    Fear, Hate, War, Love, Conviction, Necessity, Passion

    In the extreme its importance will rise even higher than your own life.

  2. Maybe the last time I try I won't fail

  3. a couple of years ago, I had given up. seriously. I wanted to die.

    then I saw someone with worse odds than me. someone that there was no way they were going to win. BUT they deserved to win. And I would check in on them, and they were always plugging along.

    People would make fun of him, but he laughed with them.

    He opened my eyes. His odds were worse than mine, his spirit was just as (it seemed) down. But he never gave up.

    ONE day he won the lottery. OMG... if there were ever a more deserving person that person doesn't exist.

    But he said he was desperate and he HAD to do this, he HAD to keep going.

    Here I was I gave up, and he never did, and the right thing happened to the right person.

    I will never forget him... Never forget that example.

    He inspired me to never give up.

    It's funny that was over 2 years ago, and even though my life is still hard, and his seems so much easier, my life has gotten better, I win small battles but the WAR was won when he won, and gave me hope.

    I guess it would be to see the small, long shot come in sometimes and the right one win.

    It's so bizarre after that time I noticed that every once in awhile when I feel like giving up, I can't anymore.

    I hope you find that one thing that helps you, inspires you, motivates you....that light that shines on whats REALLY important that helps.

  4. not bragging, but in my lifetime, I never lost a real battle.I am motivated by the fact that I don't believe I will fail.It may happen, there is always somethings we can't overcome, I just haven't faced it yet.

  5. Its better to go through life and try than to go through life and not try. My Grandad told me that in old age you regret all the things you didn't do or try and that all the things you did do/regret/fail at become less of a concern.

    In other words what motivates me is the fear of regretting not doing things on my death bed - you only live once - try, try, try and try again you will succeed.

    I also believe that I learn more and find more motivation when I do fail. Learning = good therefore failing can be beneficial.  

  6. Faith.

  7. The ability to move on.

  8. To dream the impossible dream,

    To fight the unbeatable foe,

    To bear with unbearable sorrow

    To run where the brave dare not go;

    To right the unrightable wrong.

    To love, pure and chaste, from afar,

    To try, when your arms are too weary,

    To reach the unreachable star!

    This is my Quest to follow that star,

    No matter how hopeless, no matter how far,

    To fight for the right

    Without question or pause,

    To be willing to march into h**l

    For a heavenly cause!

    And I know, if I'll only be true

    To this glorious Quest,

    That my heart will lie peaceful and calm

    When I'm laid to my rest.

    And the world will be better for this,

    That one man, scorned and covered with scars,

    Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,

    To reach the unreachable star!

  9. The outcome  

  10. I'm too stubborn and stupid to stop and I'd sooner die than be seen as a failure or coward

  11. it could be could be raining

  12. Only come across a couple of instances of this in my life up til now...things that motivated me to keep on plugging away were:

    Sheer strength of will/determination to succeed.

  13. Nothing. In fact that'd not be intelligent. If I fail at something in a long succession of times this lets me know I should reassess something and perhaps either come up with alternative way of approaching it or pick another venue.

  14. Because I'm always just one spin of the wheels away from the jackpot.

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