
What motivates virus people?

by  |  earlier

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I recently asked a question here about some security threat I had and someone answered with a link that was an attack link. His/Her name was very similar to the word "bagpuss". I'm just curious as to what actually happened and why someone would do something like that.




  1. You guys really think that all viruses do is crash your computer and cause temporary computer problems? Come on! Most voruses are programmed to steal content, log keystrokes, spy on you, and get information that can benefit the programmer monitarily, THEN it crashes your computer, only AFTER it has gotten what it wants.

    The real purpose of the virus was to get your identification, social, passwords, account informaiton, get money.  The fact that your computer won't boot up anymore just means the virus exploited all the info it could get, sent it to the programmer, then crashed your comp, removing all traces of activity other than it being crashed.

    So when you take your computer in to get fixed, all the tech guy sees is the part of the virus that crashed the computer, and not the truly malicious part that stole your data and auto-emailed it to the original programmer.  That part of it self-deleted any traces that it did that before it crashed your computer.  That is what most viruses do, but all we THINK they do is crash the harddrive, because that is all that is the evidence that it didn't delete when you take it to the shop.

  2. it happens because they are mentally unstable so they try to spoil peoples fun people who have got a life..bagpuss is a scumbag

    it just go'es to show you his/her mental attitude towards others..

    i hope you reported it..

  3. Absence of personality - and envious of those who have personality.

  4. They could be bored, or trying to prove themselves. Some do it as a joke for a friend, but then it spreads onto the internet.  

  5. Some people are just mean. They enjoy tormenting other peoples' computers. There's no way to stop it. Just be careful and make sure you have good, up-to-date virus-scan software.

  6. wouldnt go so far to say their were idiots   but they are a bloody nuisence  ..but think most of it is bragging rights for the person who does most damage making a virus

  7. To those that are involved it's a game to see just how many computers they can affect.  Even in yahoo answers there are so many that are posting links to these sick malware infested programs that have caused so much misery to so many.

    I have come across a load of them today and have no hesitation in reporting them as soon as I come across them.

    I even found one in response to a question asking how to remove this parasite!  It really is sickening, and many of us spend more time sorting out the damned trail of destruction that they leave behind them.

    There are many good, honest people on here who have knowledge and experience, and pass this on to help those that need it, but there are too many bad apples too and the powers that be need to weed them out, respond faster and remove them, preferably banning them by obtaining their ISP.

    The only other thing they gain is from those that download this c**p and then pay for it before realising that they have been stung, and have purchased a program that is the problem!

    The sites are never there for long, a few days and it disappears only to turn up yet again with a new name, but the same c**p.

  8. there just people with no life and likes to destroy other people's computers, for no reason at most times, i don't even use links that they send me in my questions/or anywhere unless i know it

  9. Some sad people don't have any lives, want people's computers to break, it's all pretty sick tbh.

  10. The person that did that is an idiot...the wheel turns, he'll/she'll get what's coming to them.

    Virus writers are in variety. Vulnerability exposers are also.

    For some, it's a game. Who can write the best code and take down cyberspace and as many computers as possible attached to it.

    For some it's about "monopoly". Why should one person quite nearly own the worlds access to the internet, force peoples hands at upgrading, create scenarios where you have zero choice but to buy the product.

    For some, it's actually work. I will bet any money, that because of the "game and the monopoly" Microsoft will employ serious hackers/code breakers/developers with the sole intention of identifying vulnerabilities to circumvent attacks.

    There are many reasons, but I think these three cover the majority.

    The question would be similar to "why would someone rob a bank" or "why would some hurt another". some do, some don't.

    It's life I guess.

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