
What motivates you to get your house cleaned?

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Ok I'm pregnant with my 1st baby and I get sooo exhausted so easily and it doesn't help that im pregnant, have health problems, asthma, and ankle problems. I hate having a messy house I will go insane if it is a pig pen. My husband helps out a little bit when he can but we live by the rule that if he is working i stay home & clean but because i'm pregnant he helps a little bit. Its sooo exhausting I need ways to motivate myself to get this done.






  1. a visit from the landlord gets me off my butt in a hurry.  See if there are any friends that would be willing to help you out or your mother in law - that will motivate HIM to do something :-)

  2. the fear of bugs comeing into my house because it is dirty!

  3. How far along are you.....the closer you get to your due date, you will begin "nesting" getting ready for the will have a burst of energy and motivation to do this.

  4. Invite people over, that always makes me get up and clean.

  5. You're pregnant and deserve a rest from housework. If you aren't feeling well leave it until you do. If you can't stand to leave it ask a friend or relative if they would mind helping out once a week. Don't  be afraid to ask for outside help especially if you have health problems

  6. I was the same way when I was pregnant, with much the same problems except instead of asthma, I had (and still have) back problems.

    Motivations for me would be, like someone else said, to invite company over.  Schedule it for four or five days in advance.  That helped me.  A big motivation for me, and still is, is to turn up my favorite music and sing along while cleaning.  It makes it go an awful lot faster and also makes it a little fun.

    Tips: - do a little at a time.  Tidy up one room, get some rest, then on to the next.  Take a small basket with you and put things in there that go in another room, that way you won't be making trips back and forth and you won't be bending down to pick up a pile of stuff that goes somewhere else.  Also, carry any cleaning materials in a basket, taking it from room to room as needed.

    And the best tip - don't fret if it all doesn't get done at once.  Learn to let some things slide, because your health is more important right now than the dishes or the dusting or the laundry.  Have hubby do the dusting if you can because of your asthma, and have him help carry the laundry.

    Standing up doing the dishes and putting wet laundry into the dryer was very painful for me, so I got one of those belly belts at a maternity shop.  It really helped me, but hubby's help was invaluable.

    Don't push yourself too hard!  You want to be as healthy as you can for delivery.  If you get tired - take a break!!!  You need it and you most certainly deserve it!

    Good luck and congratulations, mommy!!!

  7. You will have less time later, so take it easy now. Dont let the mess get to you..other things are more important (like you resting and not letting stuff get to you)

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