
What motivates you to work out?

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  1. knowing that your gonna look good if you work out for a long time. listening to music helps. and when your really pissed off is the best time to do it

  2. my motivation is just to be stronger than my father so i could kick his a$$ one day lol not literaly ;)

  3. Definitely the V. I like my abdominal V more than anything and don't want it to go to waste.

  4. that in the end it ill look and feel alot beter

  5. girls, health, girls,summer and the beach. did I mention girls

  6. ipod.

  7. Make working out fun! Go with friends, and have them make you stick to your workout plan. Instead of staying  in a sweaty gym, take it outside! Run the beach, feel the wind in your hair (if you have long hair, if you don't feel the wind on your face), or go for a hike. And as for motivation working out really does make you feel better. You feel more confident, refreshed, and awake. Everytime I do a curnch and it hurts, I think about how great my abs are going to look.  

  8. girls, my bestfriend, music and my wrestling career im about to start

  9. The mirror.

  10. music, things that bother me.

    for music i like to listen to music thats from like fighting movies and stuff, it makes me feel faster when im running.

    things that bother me, no clue why maybe motivation to be better??

  11. Beer and cigarettes.

  12. What motivates me to work out is the idea of having a body that I am proud off.  

  13. Who said that anything did?

  14. The thought of having abs.

  15. My s*x life

  16. Trying to stay healthy and not be overweight again

  17. alessandra ambrosio

  18. everytime i order fastfood!!!!! YUCK!

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