
What motivates you when you play football?

by Guest57699  |  earlier

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What makes you feel motivated!? If i show the coaches that im really commited to football will they really want a hard worker like me on their team.




  1. there is nothing better than the feeling of being the best you can be out on the field. putting it all on the line and killing the enemy in front of you is by far the most amazing feeling in the world.

    and you have to actually be able to play too. they will choose a more talented and more athletic player over a harder worker most likely. but work your a$$ off anyways. coaches absolutely love that. so if your any good, they will take that into consideration

  2. The challenge

  3. steriods

  4. The rush I get when I hit some guy as hard as I can and knock him on his butt, it is so fulfilling even if I am losing the game.

    I love to shoot out from the line and headbutt the offensive linemen, then squeeze through while they are still in shock.

  5. When I was a young man it was the pure joy of running, hitting and playing. Throwing and catching that wonderful oblong sphereoid! Man, the cold sunny days and the colder wet snowy ones spent downtown at the Stadium and hitting people! Now I am motivated by the fact that my heart hasn't stopped on field. Yet.

  6. Being runningback..Well


    And knowing that imma get the ball alot since im a pretty good part of my team.-So I cant let anyone down.

  7. To prove that im better than my competition

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