
What moves should i teach my Empoleon and gengar?

by  |  earlier

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i was thinking flash cannon, hydro pump, ice beam, surf

He a special sweeper

gengar: energy ball, hypnosis , dream eater or nightmare and thunder bolt

special sweeper to

i like special attacks i think they're much stronger




  1. In my opinion, Empoleon should not be used as a special sweeper. There are many pokemon better at it in special sweeping such as Azelf, and Empoleon is much better at being a special wall and a team supporter. However, Empoleon as a special sweeper is viable, and I would use this moveset:

    Empoleon @ Life Orb / Leftovers

    184 Speed, 252 Sp Atk, 72 Spd



    Ice Beam

    Grass Knot


    The tactic is simple. Given Empoleon's slow speed, Agility is a must as it doubles Empoleon's speed. Then start sweeping with Empoleon's three best special attacks. Flash Cannon is usable in this moveset, but I feel that it does not offer much type coverage. The EV spread given above, guarantees that Empoleon can outrun Choice Scarfed Heracross after one Agility, which is a major threat to Empoleon due to its STABed Close Combat. However, this is the Empoleon which I recommend:

    Empoleon @ Leftovers

    252 HP, 252 Sp Def, 4 Sp Atk


    Ice Beam

    Stealth Rock


    This Empoleon basically functions as your special wall and pseudo-hazer. You will normally use Roar after your opponent has used a stat booster like Agility. Stealth Rock provides nice team support as it makes your opponent take passive damage when switching in.

    On the other hand, Gengar is a nasty special sweeper and I applaud your choice. You have a good moveset for it, though I think it needs some minor tuning:

    Gengar @ Life Orb / Expert Belt / Wide Lens

    Modest / Timid Nature

    252 Spd, 252 Sp Atk, 4 HP


    Shadow Ball


    Energy Ball / Focus Blast

    The strategy for Gengar is to try to get in Hypnosis, then sweep with your other moves. I do not recommend you to use Dream Eater or Nightmare, as Gengar has better moves to choose from. Also, those moves are very dependent on Hypnosis, and if Hypnosis misses, they will be useless. Choose Energy Ball or Focus Blast depending on what your team needs, as if your team has a particular weakness to steel types then you might want to use Focus Blast instead. If you decide to use Focus Blast, Wide Lens is also a choice for your held item slot. Also take note of Sleep Clause in competitive battles, as it limits you to putting only one of your opponent's Pokemon asleep at one time. However if they use rest, it does not affect the Sleep Clause. You might want to consider this moveset for Gengar too:

    Gengar @ Focus Sash

    252 Spd, 252 Sp Atk, 4 HP



    Shadow Ball



    The strategy for this Gengar is to use it as a starter. A common starter is Weavile, and it makes a perfect victim for this set. Weavile will batter you with a physical dark type move, which you will survive thanks to Focus Sash. Then laugh as you use Counter to destroy it. Then either sweep with your other two special moves, or unleash an Explosion that should kill the next Pokemon that switches in unless it has a resistance or immunity to normal type moves. However, I do no really advise a Focus Sash set, as a layer of Stealth Rocks or Spikes and Sandstorm or Hail can easily make this set useless. Remember that as long as Gengar takes some prior damage that does not let Focus Sash take effect (moves that do not have the potential to OHKO it), Focus Sash will be useless.

    Good luck with your special sweepers and I hope you find my answer useful!

  2. Moveset/Stats For Empoleon:

    Timid/Modest/Bold Nature

    @ Leftovers

    252 Speed, 252 Sp Atk, 4 Def



    Flash Cannon/Ice Beam



    What you do is hit up Substitute since some people would likely start out with a Poke Like Yanmega or something to that accord and either protect or set up Stealth Rock/Spikes/Toxic spikes while you Sub up, which should be the first thing you do. Then, after you set up a sub successfully, you use Agility and then just sweep from there. i Suggest Bold Nature, to withstand a couple of hits and to not Sub-Up first.

    Moveset/Stats For Gengar:

    Timid Nature

    @ Focus Sash

    252 Speed, 252 Sp Attack, 4 HP


    Sludge Bomb

    Shadow Ball

    Destiny Bond

    You can basically tell whats gonna happen with this. You at least get a couple of hits in and when Sash kicks in, use Destiny Bond and finish what comes your way. Simple, no?

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