
What movie do you quote the most?

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Do you quote alot of movies in everyday conversation? Which do you use the most, and which quotes?

I use alot from Borat - "Great success, High five! You'll never get this, Very Nice, How much? NOT!"

and Austin Powers Goldmember, just because I call my dad my "fahj" (my mom is just mom though.. not cool enough for "mahj)

But i use borat quotes CONSTANTLY. Anyone else use movie quotes that frequently?




  1. Goodfellas. Unfortunately I can't use many of the quotes here ~lol~ but my friends and I have been using them for years now.

  2. wedding crashers!

  3. I use many things from wedding crashers and from borat.  

  4. Amrican beauty.

  5. Anchorman! Even though most of the time its not relevant to the situation! "You pooped in the refigerator?? AND.. you ate the whole wheel of cheese?? actually, im not even mad.. thats amazing!"

    I quote Borat & Goldmember a lot too

    "moleh moleh moleh.. mooooole!" and "It niiiice!" are favourites =)

  6. anchorman

    nights of columbus that hurt

  7. It's a toss up between SLC Punk and The Big Lebowski. They both have so many good lines! MY favorite from each, though is:

    SLC Punk: "Did you know that dolphins are men evolved? I once saw a half-dolphin-half-man in Greece."

    The Big Lebowski: "Beaver?! You mean...v****a? I know the guy?"

  8. definitely anchorman

    "take me to pleasuretown!"

    "Oh, we're going!"

    also hot fuzz and lock stock and two smoking barrels

    (from lock stock)

    "armed?! What do you mean armed? Armed with what?!"

    "Oh, bad breath, foul language, feather duster- what do you think they're armed with?!"

    "Shot guns..... like, guns that fire shot...."

    "I see you must be the brains of the operation. Yes, guns that fire shot."

  9. Superbad is a good one

    "One name? One Name? What are you Seal?"

    "McLovin? What are you trying to be, an Irish R&B singer?"

    "Don't be such a Vagine..i need a redbull before class"

    "Take off that vest. You look like Aladdin"

    Juno is good too

    "Thundercats are gooooo!!!!!"

    "Swear to blog?"

    "OOOOHHHHH Dream Big!"

  10. I usually quote a mixture of Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Mike Meyers and Jim Carey movies.  My favorite quotes are, "First things first, where's your s*****r.  I got a turtle head pokin' out.  I'm not kidding, I got a c**p on deck that could choke a donkey."  and "That's nice, you look like a Helen. Helen, we're both in sales. Let me tell you why I suck as a sales man. Let's say I go into a guy's office, let's say he's even remotely interested in buying something. Well then I get all excited. I'm like Jojo the idiot circus boy with a pretty new pet. Now the pet is my possible sale. Hello there pretty little pet, I love you. And then I stoke it, and I pet it, and I massage it. Hehe I love it, I love my little naughty pet, you're naughty. And then I take my naughty pet and I go, UUUhhhhh I killed it!  I killed my sale. And that's when I blow it. That's when people like us have gotta forge ahead, Helen. Am I right?"

  11. harry potter quotes. :) <3

  12. Between me and my girlfriend, we constantly quote... movies, tv, cartoons...

    "noooo touchy! - No touch!" ( Emperor's new Groove)

    That movie's got a couple of classics ( "lamafaaaace!!")

    "good - bad... I'm the guy with the gun!" Evil dead

    "weeda weeeeeda woooo - I am the captain of the carpet ship!" (quote from drunken cat laying on the carpet - two lumps comic)

    "it IS the bunny" (Monty python's holy grail)

    Ohhhh... so many more!

  13. I do the Borat thing too. "s**y Time!".  Some other ones are: "Fat Guy in a Little Coat" from Tommy Boy.  "You Sommb*tch" from Raising Arizona.  And my kids are always saying "I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you...I throw up!" from Stand By Me.

    Oh, and my new thing is "Whoa" from Wall-e.

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