
What movie makes you cry?

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lol i watched the movie ''selena'' yesterday and i cried =(




  1. the last word

  2. I cry every time I watch Braveheart

  3. Cold Mountain made me cry.

  4. I love the movie Selena! It makes me cry too. I remember the day she died.

    I cry when I watch "The Notebook".

  5. Movie wise im not sure tbh.

    However the last episode of friends when racheal says:

    "I got off the plane" does it everytime!! x

  6. The Shawshank Redemption

  7. The Color Purple.

  8. "Gone with the Wind" has always made me cry.

  9. Selena!! :( ,,, the movie is sad but the history with all the details is even more touching, i can tell cause im latina, and she was one of my favorites singer when i was a little girl ... i cry in The Notebook soo bad

  10. i ALWAYS cry when i watch P.S. I Love You.

    SOOOOO sad.

  11. if you cried during selena then you will deff cry during "ps i love you"

  12. "Beaches"

    "the Notebook"

    "Message in a Bottle"

    "Forever Young"

  13. ha, tropic thunder!!!! the part when ben stillers character cries for real? do you member that part? that was really random but i got a little teary. but the last movie that actually made me cry would be.. hmm the fox and the hound. and lion king, and i am sam, and rain man, and and the godfather. there are more but i must keep my man hood. oh jesus and the notebook too!!! who makes movies that sad. WHY make movies that sad!?!?!?! jesus jesus jesus!

  14. Man on Fire

  15. Seabiscuit.  Seriously, it is so emotional!  I always cry, no matter what, at the beginning scene when Red Pollard's parents leave him at the bush track, and at the end scene when Red and the Biscuit are running in the Santa Anita Handicap (the one where they finally win) and George Woolf pulls his horse up to give Seabiscuit a chance to win!  Omg... I have to go watch that now...


  16. Unfortunately, The Notebook makes me bawl every single time I see it. Also the end of The Green Mile.

  17. haha i almost cried when i saw bridge to terebithia and i don't cry that easily from movies. kinda funny. also my dog skip.. i havent seen the notebook yet but i heard its really good. =]]

  18. I cry during the notebook, and city of angles. So sad to give everything you know to be disappointed  

  19. Titanic

    Beautiful Mind

    there are many like this but these two are my favorite

  20. Alot Like Love, Tristan and Isolde

  21. Titanic.

    Harry Potter(haha yes,I am a dork.)

  22. the notebook... every single part, no matter what it is usually i am balling my eyes out  

  23. I almost cried at the end of 'Children of Men', where Theo and Kee are walking down the stairs of the besieged apartment with the baby and all the soldiers are just staring at them in amazement.  

  24. Joy Luck Club.  I always bawl my eyes out, especially the scene in the kitchen where the mother tells the daughter "I see you."

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