
What movie would you recomend to aid in teaching our youth what will happen if the democrats can out-law guns?

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Sky- it is a fact that the Democrats have passed many resrictive gun laws that affect the honest Americans, Just look at D.C. who will not follow the Supreme Court ruling.




  1. Those 2 above are good, i would also say Schindler's List.

    Recall one of the first things Hitler did ws to outlaw jews from having ammunition, then he outlawed jews from owning guns.

  2. I think what we really need is a movie that shows what will happen if we don`t.  Tens of millions of Americans have legal stores of guns and illegal stores of who knows what in case an emergency comes along and they can become looters.  

  3. Road Warrior

  4. Documented cases of people who have saved their lives by using a gun to save their lives from a homicidal maniac.

    The National Rifle Association publishes those articles every month in the Official Publication of the National Rifle Association, "The American Rifleman".

  5. I think the perfect movie to illustrate the point is Demolition Man -- guns are outlawed and even the police have no firearms and don't even use any sort of force whatsoever.  The criminals have the guns and aren't afraid to fight and so they quickly take control of the city (until Sly Stallone comes and does his thing, that is)

  6. Red Dawn

  7. The TV Movie "Amerika".  

  8. How about you try looking at some accurate studies rather than making your decisions about public policy based on movies?  

    Yeah, if we outlaw guns, only criminals will have them BECAUSE THE MOVIES SAY SO!!!  

    What a great argument.

  9. Red Dawn - wonderful flick that underlines the importance of our right to keep and bear arms.

    You might also encourage them to watch "John Adams" the HBO miniseries - which shows how this country won it's freedom.

    Some others which show the bravery of our young men who go to war to defend this country include: We Were Soldiers Once and Young (Viet Nam), and another miniseries: Band of Brothers (WWII). Patton and The Green Beret are not as gritty, but shows pride and patriotism.

    Too many times Hollywood choses the low road, and shows our military in a way scewed by leftist leanings. Films such as Platoon and Redacted do harm to this country, and those who serve it.  

  10. Most of our gun control laws have been passed during Republican Administrations. You cannot trust politicians just because of their party preference. That would be insanity. I would recommend movies about the Holocaust. The n***s disarmed the Jews with gun control so they could slaughter them by the millions. I wish I knew a good documentary against gun control, but I can't think of a single one. Hollywood usually spends their money trying to destroy our rights. Children should learn about the evils of gun control and the anti-gun communists that are in this country.

  11. Sliders.

    You know: "Slide onto parallel Earths and other alternate realities"?

    I'm sure you know the concept.

    See, the idea that Democrats are ANTI-GUN is preposterous to the extreme. An NRA scare tactic that has a lot of you gun nuts up in *arms* over something that won't happen.

    But Republicans on the other hand? They've trampled our Constitutional rights on a number of fronts in the past 8 years.

    I wouldn't put it past them to outlaw guns--if only to stop the people from trying to overthrow their corrupt and crony-filled government.

  12. "John Adams" would be my recommendation. Think about it this way: without settlers having guns, America would not exist today.

    By owning guns, citizens have the ability to let their government know that it indeed can be deposed.

    I feel very sorry for countries where gun ownership is banned.

  13. Death Race 2000.

    Conservatives will always find a way to justify killing people.

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