
What movies would you like to see remade?

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After just watchin Robo Cop 3 (Classic) it made me think what it would be like if there was a remake with how much movie technology has grown , all be it most of the original cast are dead :(

what films would you like to see remade and is there any reason why?

thankyou :)




  1. The Black cauldron, but done live action.

    Disney cut the absolute guts out of that film. Now Disney should NOT do it (considering how they are mucking up 'narnia"), but it is a movie that cries out to be remade

  2. There aren't really any movies I want to see remade.  If an old movie is good, then a remake would just ruin it.  And I don't want to see a bad movie remade because the original was so terrible.

  3. breakfeast at tiffanys

  4. if they can technology has nothing to do with this movie, but I want to see it remade Pretty woman.  same story linve, but upgraded life style, and hookers don't look like that....

  5. I agree completely with 004... remakes, be they for movies or songs, generally suck compared to the original. I feel you shouldn't mess with someone else's work whether you think you can produce an equally excellent piece or even improve the original... it just doesn't seem right to me.

  6. Definetly RoboCop....that would be cool to see that remade

    I would love to see an present day Godfather film.

    I won't say Friday the Thirteenth or Chucky or Star Trek because they ARE remaking those.

  7. I don't want to see anymore remakes, Why would you want to ruin a perfectly good movie. Sometimes I think they get too out of controll with the technology and they over use it sometimes.

  8. Iron Eagle -- NOT!!!!

  9. THE APARTMENT with Shirley McLaine and Jack Lemon

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