
What mp3/ipod player is the best for me?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I had two Sansas, and they are okay but did not last long. They froze, screen quit working etc. I am thinking about Zune or possibly Ipod brand, but is Ipod all it is cracked up to be? I probably want 4 to 6GB, although I know most players have a variety of storage sizes to choose from. I would like of course for no technical problems like freezing up, and for it to be stylish and everything. I want this one to last.




  1. Yes, the ipod is all that it is cracked up to be.  You get to use the iTunes store and it is super simple to use.  You also have the ability to watch videos on most ipod models.  The only downside is price.  Go with the iPod and you won't regret it.

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