
What mp3 player would you recommend?

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I've looked at Sony ones and Ipods but am not sure if the Sony is compatible with my Apple computer




  1. Definitely buy an iPod.

  2. ipod

  3. iPod.

    Why do people hate iTunes ? Is it coz you have to pay !!!!

  4. Definately an iPod if you have a mac. It works so well with iTunes.

  5. a good one  

  6. sony walk all over ipod, performance wise, sound quality wise, build quality wise. all the ipod can do is look nice but performs badly compared to sony players trust me, ipod is not that good.

  7. The Sony players will work with your Mac, although you can't use them with iTunes.  I see that as a benefit as I hate iTunes, but that's just me.  The Sony players are really nice, have excellent sound quality and battery life, and a nice interface.  They also come with nice sets of Sony headphones, unlike the iPods.  iPods of course work really well with Apple computers and are easy to use, but I prefer the Sony players.  The NWZ A720 series is really nice, or the 820 series, which is the same player but with built-in bluetooth.  The NWZ S710 series is cool as well, it has active noise canceling built into the player itself.

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