
What muscles do swimmers most work out?

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What muscles do swimmers most work out?




  1. usually all myscle sowrks since it's a cardio exercice but mostly i've recognized that it mostly works your tors muscles and bicips ....and gd luck with whatever you're searching for

  2. All over, but what stands out is the shoulders/lats the most.

  3. Shoulders, lats, triceps, pecs, quads.

  4. they work all the muscles, even the butt! lol thats why swimmers have the best bodies!

    swimmer for 7 years yo!

  5. All the muscles are toned.

    Mostly the arms, shoulders, legs, and abs.

  6. Hi,Swimmers usually use all muscles of the body.Swimming is the best way to get a complete exercise work out.Good Luck

  7. It trains all muscles of the body arms, legs, hamstrings, back, chest ect. Think of all of the strokes used and you will see why.

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