
What must I do to increase my chances of entering Oxford/Cambridge?

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I would really appreciate any little tips/guidelines to help me enter my 'dream school'. Are there certain extra-curricular activities I should participate in? Like, say, voluntary work/community service? What sort of achievements would they like to see, besides straight As?




  1. Okay, unfortunately you can't apply to both the universities in the same year, I too want to attend one of them. What I have found helpful is looking on the Oxford and Cambridge websites, I found podcasts of students and tutors who offer their experience.

    Have you decided which course you want to study? If so the best thing you can do is read articles, books and textbooks related to the subject as this increases your general knowledge for the course.

    As for extra-curricular activities, there are none that you NEED to take but I would advise you to participate in ones which are relevant to the course as it will impress the interviewers. Voluntary work / community service shows that you are an active part in the community and would give a positive impression so I would recommend that you do that.

    In the interview and the personal statement, this is the time to show that you are a keen learner, enthusiastic about your subject and that you have academic potential. Achievements are good to show how hard you work to earn things, show how you are able to balance studying and hobbies to indicate good time management skills.

    Some people think going to a college where less people apply and accepts more people than others increases their chances. It usually doesn't because if you stand out, you should be accepted no problem. So, if you want to increase your chances I would make an open application and try to show off any successes relevant to the course your going to take.

    If you have any other questions or information you want please post it in the additional details and I will try to help you. Hope this helps, good luck.    :-)

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