
What must i do to get an illimited visa to the US???

by Guest66673  |  earlier

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Hi everybody!

I've never get a visa to US , How can i get an illimited visa to the US, i heard that first i should apply for short visa before they can give longer visa then illimited visa

please can anybody tell me how this works?




  1. you are correct   in part of  qualify for the   visit  retuirn home  re apply and you may end up with a10 yr  visa

  2. u r dreaming. there is not such a thing as an illimited visa.

    even for those who have a permanent resident have to renew it ever 10 years.

    anyhow its almost impossible to enter if u dont have a good reason such a job, sponsor or stuff like that.

  3. There is no such thing as an unlimited visa to the USA. Visas are only good up to 6 months for a given year unless special reasons are granted for a longer stay.

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