
What must my sister do next?

by  |  earlier

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My sister and her husband wants a divorce; They have been married for about 3 years now and they have a child who's 1 year old. The father drinks and does drugs; He just kidnapped his own child about a week ago, he calls my sister names, he's a child-molester, he steals from the home, and he doesn't want anyone to have the baby. We have called the police because he's a danger to our family; We have the child and we just packed all my sister's things and the baby things into my home. She's planning on getting a Section-A home through Wel-fare; She has no where to go at this moment. We don't want the father to get custody of the baby because he will not take care of her at all.




  1. She needs to pull her head out of her *** and start acting like a mother wolf and protect her cub!!! She clearly enjoys being  a VICTIM!!! She needs to go get an emergency restraining order. Stop calling him, stop accepting calls, make a police report and go to family services and see what benefits she can get along with legal help to get custody. He is doing this cause she continues to play victim and allow him near her and her child. HE is unstable and by even talking to him, she is endangering her child!!!

  2. if you are so on your sisters side you just said She's planning on getting a Section-A home through Wel-fare; She has no where to go at this moment." why don't you let her stay with you while she gets this stuff settled. instead of ranting on and on, why don't you put your arms around your sister, tell her that you love her and help her.

  3. Your sister made a baby with a  50 yr old drug using alcoholic child molester...............WHY?

    Next if he is a child molester why isn't he in jail?

    If all you have said is true no court would EVER give him custody unless they can prove themother is worse than the father.

    In that even ,the kid will go to foster care.

    Next your sister needs to get her tubes tied,stop dating and get an education so she can support her kid.

    As far as the restraining order, she better get off her butt and go get one today.

  4. lol you are too young for all this and so is your sister. hopefully he is out of her life soon. and please make sure he doesn't get to ever see that baby again if he is a molester like you say  

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