
What must we concede as being unattainable?

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What must we concede as being unattainable?




  1. Knowledge of the un-knowable, i.e., Kant's "noumena."

  2. Perfection of course!!

  3. Here are some things I find are unattainable:

    1.  World Peace

    2.  Universal justice

    3.  Universal equality

    4,  Fair Tax

    5.  Kayoto Agreement

    6.  Cold Fusion

    7.  A good working universal healhcare program.

    8.  Understanding the true meaning of life.

  4. Whatever we perceive is not attainable.

  5. Having it all

  6. Unity  and  diversity will never  be  attained

  7. - reaching the end of the universe

    - 100% world peace

    - a completely utopian world

    - totally curing world hunger, poverty, and disease

    - having all answers, and no more questions

    - being 100% sure how the universe/time began

  8. anything far away from where we are

  9. For us to be able to travel at the speed of light is simply unattainable. Therefore, to travel backwards in time is unobtainable, too. I think I look like a twenty-years old when I look in the mirror, but that is unobtainable as well. The promises of all religions for an after life are also completely unobtainable. That's a few. An individual man will never be able to travel to the stars and return alive. He'll die en route. Not a job I would want to volunteer for.

  10. World Peace.

  11. Perfection

  12. Stopping change.  It is an unstoppable force.

  13. That society will treat all members with respect and equality showing deserved compassion and goodwill as the norm.

  14. That there will always be a contingency of humanity which only looks out for themselves... who have a mindset of "what's in it for me" --- as opposed to the majority of people, who considers what is best for everyone.

  15. everlasting life, "healthy" fast-food!

  16. ...everlasting physical life...

  17. Lots of things that we know are not even real like a genie in a bottle.After that I am leaving my options open and taking off the limits. We could get the surprise of our lives when we receive something really great that blows our mind.

  18. Anything absolute.

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