
What must you major in a 4 year degree before law school?

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also do you have to have a 4 year degree in something then go to law school

how does that work?




  1. Most law schools do not require you to have a specific major. Any major can apply to law school. Yes you have to have your bachelors degree (typically takes 4 years) before you apply to Law School.

    Although they do not specify which major you must have before you apply, they are probably looking for you to have taken certain classes, or have some experience in certain fields and this will probably be listed on their website or you can talk to an advisor.  

  2. You do not need to have specific major or courses for law school. In theory you do not need to have a four year degree. Some school with accept you with 90 credit hours if you have excellent grades and an outstanding LSAT score. Once you graduate law school you would then receive your bachelors degree. The 90 credit hour route in essence is the exception to the rule and not one that many laws schools will follow on a regular basis.

    In any event law schools tend to care more about the person than the major and what you have done. So if you have good grades, good LSAT scores, and have had some accomplishments then you should be on your way to being accepted.  

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