
What name do you absolutely hate?

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I personally can't stand violet, bill, bob, napoleon, ani, olga, jaqueline, anything that starts with y execpt yvette, donald, darcy and theresa.

No offense to anyone that has these names. I know how you feel. I get dissed for my name too haha. Not that i'm dissing or anything :)




  1. I don't really like Edna, Mildred, Milicent, Grace, Helga, Darcy, Lawrence, Wanda and Terry. Those are just a few.

    And no offence to anyone with any of those names!

  2. i dont like Ruby Quinn Zoey (girls)

    Gage Everett or Philip(boys)


  4. for a girl, I dislike Margret and anything that's a feeling or an inanimate thing like Destiny or Chasity. My only exceptions are Faith, Hope, and Joy. Also Princess or something like that. To hippish

    For boys Frank, Mark, Victor, Bob,Jadyn and Dominic

  5. I hate all boy names on girls, but these in particular bug me:

    Madison for a girl. It's ugly, it's masculine, it means SON OF MAUDE.

    Addison for a girl. It's ugly, it's masculine, it means SON OF ADAM. It's also a disease.

    Aubrey for a girl. It's masculine and means Elvin KING. I plan on using it as a first name for my future son, so I hate hate hate seeing it on girls.

    Taylor for a girl. This one really really urks me. It's so freaking masculine. Occupational and Surnames are masculine, but this one is especially so. Tailors were MALES. Females were and still are Seamstresses.

  6. I hate really uncommon weird names that people make up and think that everyone love when really everyone hates. I hate those types of names.

  7. Breanna.

  8. d**k







  9. Names I absolutely hate? Salome, Alma, Jeffrey, Balder, Cher, Cabbot, Saralyn, Ursula, Melissa, Alvis, Brie

    These are my favorite names: Renie, Emily, Martine, Sam, Frederick, Carolyn, Annabelle, Daniella, Christina, Ben, Elijah, Celeste

  10. Sebastian! I do not "find that name appealing." (Ha.) There's this really annoying kid that's always like, "Sebastian!" every five seconds and I'm like "STOP NOW!" So there you go.

    Oh, and I don't like boy names like Jayden and Caden and Brad and Tad and Chad. They're too... girly.

  11. Britanny and Ashley

    too many of them!!

    but i like the name Will

  12. lafonda


  13. Ashley and Connie

    Just Ew.

  14. Ruth







    Jessica(because of people i used to know)


  15. d**k.

  16. Jessica, Ashley, Samantha, Nicole, Brandon, Michael (too common), Austin, Dylan.

  17. Lisa, Olga, Ann, Anne, Darby, Jenny, Tierney, Tammy, Jack, Newman, Jeff

    oh and for some reason (nothing again anyone with this name!!) but i HATEEE HATE HATE the name dustin for a guy.. i just really do nottt like it for some reason even though my cousin is named that.

  18. Jayden

  19. OMG i hate the name Veronica and Abbey, every one i've ever known with these names has been b*****s, i think that has given me the impression that i will always hate these names.

  20. i hate names that end with eisha, rika, onda, nifa, basically any name that is to ghetto like sharonika. it just becomes ridicioluous after a while.

  21. I'm not sure I hate any name! Because I don't hate anything! Hate is an awful word, and dislike isn't much better; I believe that every name has its real meaning for standing for someone's love one, father,mother, sister,or brother!I can't see me hating any name. Sorry!

  22. I hate Jaden, Jayda, Jayla, etc.

    I also hate Neveah (talk about tacky.)


    Brooke, Ashley, Brittany, Taylor (for a girl), Justin, Jeremy

    (Mainly those white traash names.)

    I love Violet though, and Jacqueline is okay. I like Darcy and Ani, too.

  23. i agree w/ the first one, i hate the name "d**k", Rosie, ashley (heard sooo many)  

  24. Britney and Tiffany...absolutely. Anytime I hear those names I want to hurl.

  25. d**k that doesnt sound like a name it sounds like an insult

  26. Britney/Brittany



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