
What name should I choose? I'm 29 weeks preg with a girl and confused!?

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Annnabella (Annie)

Macarena (Maccy)

Isabella (Issy)


Elaine (Elly)










  1. My fav out of your list is



  2. Isabella (Issy)

  3. Isabella marcarena


  4. hayley! i love that name

  5. errmmm........


  6. Hayley Jane or Hayley Isabella.

    Keep this list and when she is born you will know straight away what to call her.

  7. Aliah Jane or Elenie Allison are sweet, pretty names.  

  8. annabella  or hayley. Def. not macarena it sounds like the spanish dance. lol

  9. this a serious question? all are nice except macarena...what the h**l??

  10. Alaih is unique and pretty. i like it the best

  11. Allison Rose cute  congrats  

  12. i like annabella, you  could call her anna or bella. its a beautiful name!

  13. Congrats on the baby

    I think keep this list of names and dont decide until you have the baby

    as soon as she's born look at her then name her

  14. You should go with Annabella.

  15. i love jane but Ellie and eleanor are good too

  16. Annabella- this ones pretty

    Macarean -  this is a dance we did in elementary school

    Isabella - this ones pretty too

    Jane - plain, but i like it

    Elaine - reminds me of Seinfeld

    Elenie - not good

    Allison - pretty

    Janet - i dont like this one.  it makes me think of an old lady

    Melissa - whatev

    Hayley - much too common these days, and its not very pretty

    Aliah - average

  17. Isabella is adorable :) and issy is a cute nickname also.

    Aliah is cute but how about Arah or Alah( pronounced a - luh)

  18. Annabella



    are all great the others aren't as good

    what about Anastasia(anna)

  19. Here is how I picked my kids names. This is something my aunt told me to do. Try out the name by leaning out the back door and yelling it like your mad at you kid. If it sounds good thats the name. Only one name will sound right. But you have to yell the whole name, first middle and last in that mommy tone.

  20. Well I can tell you what not to name her and that is Macarena.

    but i do like Isabella, Elaine and Hayley.

  21. Anything but Macarena! That's a dance.

    I love Jane, Hayley and Melissa. I also love Isabella but Isabelle is better.

  22. Isabella, Allison, or Hayley

  23. Hey there congratulations on the upcoming birth of your baby girl.

    I like Isabella the best...although im slightly biased as that is my eldest daughters name. I also like Annabelle.

  24. I like Allison and Elaine. Annabella is really beautiful, but it's a little too flowery for me (and that's probably just me, because I grew up with a really girly name, and sometimes I wish I were called something more simple and almost unisex). Isabella's gorgeous too, and it's becoming really popular. Janet and Melissa are my second favorites...followed by Hayley (great if you want something more modern) and Jane (not too exciting, but a perfectly decent name). I'm not familiar with Elenie and Aliah, but they sound very pretty. And...well...I'm not going to be able to fairly judge Macarena...because the 90's was the decade I grew up in...hehe....

  25. I personally like Melissa and Isabella although if it were me I would go with Melissa as it is less popular.

  26. Elaine is my nanas name lol

    i think Hayley is beautiful.

    and aliah(aliyah)

    and isabella

  27. I like Annabella and Hayley. Personally, I like names that aren't so common. I named my daughter Jazmine. Well, it didn't seem so common and once I had her, it seemed like everywhere I went there was another little girl named Jasmine. But we spelled it with a Z, so that it's not so common. You could google in baby names, or if you're set on your list, maybe take it to the hospital and figure it out after you've delivered and see what name 'suits' your baby. good luck!  

  28. I love Annabella it is very pretty. Or my 2nd choice would be Isabella but it is pretty common right now. Go to the social security website and they will give you a lost of the top 100 names last year. I don't know if that is importnat to you or not but think about when she is in kindergarten. How exciting for you. I love my daughters!

  29. I like Hayley, Allison and Isabella.

    Don't name her Macarena though, all I think of is that silly dance from the 90s. If you like the M sound, maybe Marcy?

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