
What name sounds better Zara Ali or Zara Alina for a baby girl?

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What sounds better Zara Ali or Zara Alina? Zara as the first name and Ali or Alina as middle name.




  1. either, they are pretty similiar

  2. ithink you should consider zara liah

    as one of your choices:)

  3. Please stop!  Pick something normal.  Ali is a boys name and everyone will assume she's a Muslim.

    Zara?  Stop!!!

  4. zara ali is cute. way diff. i like it!

  5. Zara Ali

  6. Neither sounds good to me.  Zara is actually a slang word in one of the european languages, when I hear Ali I think Ali Babba, and Alina is actually a Polish name (also my grandmother's name).  I was born and raised in Poland, and so my real full name is Polish and difficult to pronounce.  One of the last things my marketing professor told me before I graduated was to not use my full name on my resume.  He was completely right.  It wasn't until I actually took his advice that I started to get call backs for job interviews.  Apparently people are intimidated and have prejudices no matter what.  Unless you will be living in a country where  these names have meaning and are commonly accepted, I would not put that added disadvantage on my child.  You can always use the names you like as nicknames.  I named one of my kids Amanda, but I always hated Mandy, so I call her Ama (so does everyone in our family and her friends).  However, in school and sporting competitions her name does not get slaughtered and she doesn't think people are making fun of her.


    I do not think it's hard to pronounce, but I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing it correctly.  I speak 4 languages, so if I have an unfamiliar word/name I tend to pronounce it the way it is written (the way I would in Polish or Spanish). That is also why I have a habbit of associating names with words in other languages.  Zara Ali is also short enough that to friends or classmates it would probably be great and she would never be confused with another person.  It is, however, unusual and like it or not cause some disadvantages.   My point is that while I had a great education, great references and experience, and what I thought was a great name, it wasn't until I started using "Maggie" and my husbands last name on my resume that some doors finally opened.

  7. Zara Alina flows much better!

  8. I think Zara would be the first name and Alina would be the last name i think but iam not chore  

  9. I love "Zara Alina".  It flows beautifully.  (And if she prefers, she can always use the nickname "Ali" as her middle name when older.)

  10. I think Zara Alina flows better. I love that name! i believe I read it an frican names book along with Acacia,Ayanna,Aaliyah,and Ashanti, but that is a very beautiful name

  11. i like Zara Alina. pretty name.

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