
What name sounds better for a boy???

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oliver aurthur jason or david?




  1. Neither, name him "Soda"

  2. Jason and David if I had to choose, but they are very common and dated.

  3. I have never ever met a David who wasn't some form of an a$$ i've always assumed it was something to do with the name.  I like Oliver Jason for a first and middle name combo...hope I helped!

  4. Olivers always get made fun of.

    Arthur is a geek name, unless kids call him "Artie"

    Jason and David are both solid, manly, classy names. You can't go wrong with either of those.

  5. jason is a sweet name for a boy but arthur is also sweet so u should go with either arthur or jason

  6. Jason is the best out of your list.

  7. Jason

  8. David

  9. i like david and Jason better than Oliver and Arthur.  

  10. I like David the most.

  11. Of those four, David. It's not the most unique name in the world, but it wears well.

    Jason's overdone, and I think only Brits can get away with Oliver and Arthur.

  12. Jason or David:)

  13. i like david and jason. not oliver the olive part annoys me.  

  14. I like Jason or David.

  15. Jason is my favorite out of all of them!

  16. I like Jason the most

  17. I'm not very keen on David, it sounds a bit boring and geeky. Oliver is very very nice at any age. Arthur is also lovely

  18. David :D

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