
What name to use in registering my xbox 360

by  |  earlier

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Recently I was given a new xbox 360, I want to register it in the xbox website but I would like to know what name should I use upon registering? Should I use my name or the name of the person that gave me the gift since his name is on the sales receipt?

just incase i use my name upon registering, would it matter if the name on the receipt is different from the name that is registered in xbox website?




  1. It will not matter who's name you put the xbox under... the redgistration just tells microsoft whos xxbox it is so if it breaks u can send it w/o any problems

  2. Use your name, as it is your Xbox 360.

  3. You should use your own name for that assuming you mean the registration process.  You don't have to worry about the sales receipt.  That's unrelated.

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