
What name will Prince Charles use when he is king?

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Not necessarily Charles of course....




  1. Most likely Charles III. Although he may chose a different name to rule under. It is the monarch's choice as to what name they will use. Although if I were him I would not use the name Charles. The previous King Charles' of England have not had much luck.

  2. If Prince Charles succeeds his mother as monarch and uses his first given name as his regnal name, he would become known as Charles III. However, Prince Charles has considered rejecting that style when he accedes to the throne, because of its associations with Britain's bloody past.

    The move away from Charles stems from its associations with Charles I, who was beheaded in 1649 following the English Civil War, at the start of Oliver Cromwell's short-lived republic. The executed monarch's son, Charles II, spent 18 years in exile and returned to England in 1660 but was nicknamed "The Merry Monarch" because of his string of mistresses.

    Charles III is partially associated with the Catholic Jacobite pretender, Charles Edward Stuart (called Bonnie Prince Charlie), an enduring Scottish romantic figure, who claimed the throne as that style in the 18th century. The move would not be a first - three of the past six British monarchs, Victoria, Edward VII, and George VI, chose a regnal name different from their first given name. The most discussed alternative style has been "George VII", in honour of Charles's grandfather.

  3. I believe he wished to be known as King George.

  4. He can never be king.

    Remember, he passed it on to his eldest son so he could get a divorce and marry that old woman.

  5. Charles III is a possibility, but then again the past two King Charles (Charles I and Charles II) were killed while in their position. But some people would like them to chose this name for that reason.

  6. King Tampon.

    Remember his taped phone call to Camilla?

  7. H.R.H King Frankenstein I

  8. Its up to him. Princes often take a different name when they suceed to the throne. George is one suggestion he may take.

  9. king charles

  10. I don't see the difficulty with Charles. Yes, Charles I was a disaster (very sensitive art lover, though), but Charles II not only retrieved and kept his throne through some very sticky times, he is one of the few kings of England who was  genuinely popular for most of his reign. (Deservedly so. This was the man who, on viewing his new portrait, asked "Is that like me?"

    PS: I can't imagine what the poster was thinking of who said that Charles II was "killed". He died of natural causes at a good age, apologising most considerately to his ministers and courtiers "for being such an unconscionable time a-dying".

  11. He is theoretically able to choose anyone of his given names- Charles Philip Arthur George. My guess is that he will stick with Charles as he has never shown any indication that he would make a change.

  12. King Chuckie?

  13. Big Ears?

  14. He could chose Charles, Philip, Arthur or George (they are his real names).  However, the most discussed alternative style has been "George VII", in honour of Charles's grandfather.  Charles III is unlikely as it has associations with the Civil War and execution of King Charles I.

  15. Edward the fith or some rubbish like that.

    never liked the guy.

  16. King Charles i guess

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