
What name would Harry take as King?

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Any King or Queen can choose their name when they start their reign, but if they will choose their first name Charles would be Charles III, William would become William V, and Henry what?




  1. King Henry IX

  2. Harry Hewitt

  3. He would be King Henry IX

  4. Henry IX (9th)

  5. The King has the right to chose his own name, so it could be anything.

    Charles has already said he would like to be called George when coranated.

  6. As others have mentioned, he doesn't have to be Henry as he can choose any name. However, even if he is King Henry IX, you could still call him King Harry. Oftentimes rulers still have a nickname. I have heard Henry VIII referred to as Harry just as Queen Elizabeth I was referred to as Bess.

    Of course, you might not be able to call him Harry to his face.


  7. I think "Wilfred" would be a good name. Or Abanjo.

  8. Charles has stated that he wishes to be King George not Charles so if Harry ever becomes King he would not necessarily be King Henry.

  9. If Prince Henry becomes "King of the United Kingdom," he could use his first given name as his regnal name, therefore, he would become known as "Henry IX." However, this is very unlikely, similar in Prince Charles case, both "Charles III" and "Henry IX," have been used previously by Catholic Jacobite pretenders, Charles Edward Stuart (called Bonnie Prince Charlie) and Henry Benedict Cardinal Stuart.

    Prince Charles had already shown favour of the regnal title of "George VII", in honour of Charles's grandfather. The move would not be a first - three of the past six British monarchs, Victoria, Edward VII, and George VI, chose a regnal name different from their first given name.

    Note: It is possible that both Prince William and Prince Harry would also follow their father's step by choosing a Georgian  regnal name. However, this is entirely up to their personal preferences, but the options are there.

  10. Harry is second in line to the throne, are you planning to assassinate William.

  11. His name is Henry Charles Albert David and he can choose any of those names.

    Henry IX

    Charles III (although I doubt it. His father said he would choose George. A pretender styled himself Charles Stuart III, and now it seems that is now taboo)

    Albert I

    David I (Scottish numbering would be irrelevant in this case because the Kingdom of Scotland does not exist)

  12. Henry IX.

  13. Henry 1X

  14. henry the ladyboy ?

  15. how about king JAMES ,same name as his daddy.

  16. "Harry" is his nickname,just like "Bertie" was the nickname of George VI,"David" the nickname of Edward VIII.Harry's full name is Henry Charles Albert David so he'd probably choose from any of those names."King Harry" isn't very regal-sounding.But this is all surmise;Harry is not going to be king and he's probably quite relieved that he isn't!

  17. He would be Henry the IX but as an added note:

    Lord Worthy of Knotso said that Harry is 2nd in line for the throne after William.. he is the third in line... Charles, then William, then Harry... Queen Elizabeth II isn't dead yet

  18. Harry will not be King, however, William will one day be King, but not until he is quite old.  We've got Chas three first.  Not sure if Charles wants to be known as King Charles III - think he may want some other name, but not sure what.

    Prince Charles may change name to George

    Dec 24, 2005 ... When he ascends the throne the new King will convene an Accession ... Prince Charles

    was only 4 when his grandfather died but he was very ...

  19. It is unlikely that he will be King because he is only 3rd in line. If it happened though he mihgt be Henry ix, but he mihgt use another name. Since we know he is called harry at home, it would sound ludicrfous so it is unlikely.

  20. Harry has his proper first name as Henry!! Did you know that?

  21. BOB

  22. IF he goes with his given name, it would be Henry IX.  Obviously.  

    However, he does (assuming he becomes king, which is HIGHLY unlikely), have the option to choose, as you mentioned, any name he wants,

    And, on that note, I understand that the name Charles III is supposed to be unlucky, and he won't be likely to choose that.  (something to do with the never-crowned Charles Stuart III).

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