
What name would be coolest and would fit a snowboard company, Logic or Nuke?

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What name would be coolest and would fit a snowboard company, Logic or Nuke?




  1. first off the name DOES matter...a name should be catchy to draw people in..but they also should be decent quality boards...

    i'd name my snowboard company steezy boards...or steezer

  2. Enough with the same question over and over already. I can't take it anymore.

    It doesn't really matter what the name of a board company is as long as they make good boards.

    If you are just buying someone else's boards and changing the graphics on top you are not going to make any money...

  3. How many times are you gonna ask this question.  If you do start the company, Im never gonna buy one just because Im sick of hearing about it.

  4. Nuke sounds pretty cool. Logic sounds too nerdy or sophisticated.

  5. logic sounds better..i would buy 1 if they wer good

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