
What names could Laney be short for?

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Besides the obvious Delaney or Elena. I love those names but Delaney is more of a child's name which doesn't work for an almost 22 year old woman and I feel that Elena may be a little bit too confusing, especially with all the different spellings for it. Ex: Alaina, Alayna, etc.

I always hated my real name, Amanda Lynn (Amanda Lynn is my first and middle name, not two first names. Really boring, ugly name...) and instead I've been going by Laney, but it just doesn't sound professional. I want to change my name, but still keep my nickname.

I don't want anything too common. I want something classy, but somewhat unique. Nothing over the top.

What middle names could I use? Please don't suggest fillers like Marie, Lynn, Ann/Anne, May/Mae. I like Elizabeth since it's my mom's confirmation name, but I'd prefer something not as popular.

Last name is McDonald.




  1. Melanie, Lorraine, Ellen, Laine, Layne, Lane, Blaine,  

  2. Lanette or Lynette (2 spellings)

  3. you can use Laney for the name Alana

  4. First of all, I think Amanda Lynn in a beautiful name.  It's not boring at all!    It sounds professional, but fun at the same time.:-)  Plus, A's, L's and Y's are all very pretty cursive letters. Laney's a cute nick name too.^_^

    So I would suggest staying with your given name, because I like it best.  In my opinion, you should go by Laney when your with friends, and Amanda at work.

    However, if you really don't like that name, then I would suggest going by 'Elaine', which sounds much more professional than Laney.  Elaine sounds similar to Laney, so people would probably still feel comfortable calling your either.

    Remember, everyone seems to hate their name some time in their life.  I hope that someday you'll realize what a pretty name Amanda Lynn really is!:-)

  5. there isnt a name other than the ones your put..thats short for Laney..but if  YOu just want a NEW middle name then here are some different ones..








  6. Well, you pretty much shot down my first suggestion, Delaney. Lol... I think it's such a nice name that can work for someone of any age, but since you don't like it, here are my other suggestions:

    Laney itself is acutally a name... It's of Greek origin meaning torch or bright light.

    Lanelle is a name of American English origin, and there is no meaning listed.

    Lana is a Gaelic name that means rock, but I prefer the alternate name Alannah/Alana.

    LoLani is a Hawaiin name that means royal hawk. I know it's a little odd, but I think it's quite pretty.

    Also, I know a woman named Malena (Muh-leen-nah) and she goes by Laney. I think Malena is a beautiful name.

    Here are some extra names that sound similar to Laney:





    For a middle name, if you like Elizabeth, why not use an alternate form of Elizabeth, such as Elisabeth, or Lisbeth? I think Lisbeth is a nice name, especially for a middle name. Another kind of obscure form of Elizabeth is Alyzabeth. You could also go with just Eliza or Beth!

    I think your best bet would be Malena Lisbeth McDonald.

    My second favorite is Alanna Lisbeth McDonald.

    Good luck, and let us know what you decide!

    Edit: Haha, sorry you don't like them... I was trying to think of some other way to help you! Lol. I don't really like Alyzabeth either, I thought maybe you might. I agree with you, the traditional Elizabeth is best. Although, I also like Lisbeth. I'm glad you like Malena. I think that would be a really beautiful name for you to go by!

  7. Elaine

  8. Elaney


    Melaney < my favorite

  9. well, you could use Laina or Lanelle. I guess you could be named Leilani or Noelani and be called Laney. There is also the name Langley and Alana. You might be able to be called Laney if your name was Dylan (the name Dylan is rarely used as a girls' name, but it is a unisex name). For middle names I like..

    Laina Gabrielle

    Laina Celine

    Laina Julianne

    Laina Carly

    Laina Clarice


    Dylan Charlotte

    Dylan Emily

    Dylan Celine

    Dylan Julianne

    Dylan Carly

    * I kind of like Dylan. It sounds nice with your last name, and it's not common at all. It's not boring like your old name.

  10. I do not think that Delaney sounds like a childs name at alll! It is beautiful and suits any age! I really love Alayna too! Sorry, I have no other suggestions!

  11. Adelaine for first name

    i really like Adelaine Isabella

    hope i helped :)

  12. My name is Melanie. and Lanie is a nickname for Melanie.

    Unfortunity my middle name is Lynn so that doesn't help. Melanie Naomi, Melanie Brianne, Melanie Jolie, Melanie Paige.

    Also I'm sure Elaine, would be one too.

  13. Elayne



  14. My opinion is that if you are planning on calling her Laney, why don't you just name her Laney.  I think it is weird to name someone something but call them differently.  Just name them what you want them to be called!  It makes more sence!

  15. My brother's child is named Laney Elizabeth.

  16. FYI: Elena and Alaina are not the same names! Different pronounciations!  Elena Eh-le-na (spanish). Alaina A-lay-na (english).

  17. If you like the name Delaney, it doesn't really matter if it is "more of a child's name" because we all grow up.  I know a girl named Erika and she always thought it was a child's name, but now she's 25 and it's fine.  It's not like we all change our name when we hit 18.

    Also, many names have different spellings so chances are you'll find a name that someone will eventually misspell.  Don't throw out a name because there are too many spellings.  Once people know how it is spelled, they won't forget.

    You could try these:

    Layne Alexandra

    Lana Paige

    Elena Joy

    Lanora Elizabeth

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