
What names did you pick for your child-children?

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mine are Isabella caroline

evan leo

claudia eileen

natalie sherri

caroline jacalyn..did you name yours after a relative..all their middle names after a grandparent.




  1. my 7 month old daughter name is Skylar Rae I am 3 months prego if its a girl Rayna Starr i think a boy maybe Caleb or Caden

  2. Luke Charles

    Sabrina Marilyn

    Marianna Mildred

    All 3 middle names are for people in our family, charles, for daddy

    Marilyn, honor my dead mother

    Mildred, greatgrandmother to my daughter

  3. My son's name is Conner O'Neal.

    O'Neal is his fathers, paternal grandfathers, and paternal great grandfathers middle name.

  4. girl

    caitlyn renee

    sophie renee


    joshua matthew

    noah miles

  5. My daughters name is Havanah Sofiya

    My daughters first name was was chosen by my mother,that was the grandma gift I gave her,and her middle name is after my grandma.

  6. I have a son, Angus Lee.

    Angus was chosen because both sides of our family have Scottish ancestry. Lee is also part of his father's name.

    I was worried that if I had a girl I would have been pressured to use the middle name of Frances as all first-born girls in my family (my mother & myself included) have been named this for many, many generations.

  7. I named my daughter Hannah Alexandria and that is the only girl name I had. I have no boy names or sons.

    Mother of 1- a daughter.

  8. I have 2 boys and  a little princess!

    Logan Jeffery (my favorite aunt chose his 1st name and his middle name is after my husbands favorite cousin)

    Landen Joseph (my sister and husband come home the same day with the same name, so we thought it was meant to be! His middle name just fit!)

    Laina Jane Marie (her first name I dreamt, her 1st middle name is after my great grandma (my mammaw) and her 2nd middle name is after my grandma (my granny). I knew she was going to be my last so I wanted to get both of my favorite grandparents in her name!)

  9. Alexis Octavia

    Natalie Elaine

    Layla Sue

    (if we ever have a boy)

    Brian Dean

    Justin Micheal

    Our second daughters middle name (elaine) is after my hubby's mom and that was a HUGE F*ing mistake seeing as she is a HUGE b*tch and he regrets ever wanting to name our daughter after her(totally his decision)

    and our third daughter(soon to be here in September) her middle name is my mom's and we both love my mom to death and are VERY happy with naming her after my mom

    Our first daughter we didn't want to name her after anyone,I dunno why but we wanted her to have her own name,and we also didn't want to name our kids after anybody in the family but seeing as his relatives multiply like friggin rabbits names are running low.

    The boy name Brian would be a Jr.  and the other was just one we picked out

  10. i have two boys

    christopher james kelly

    and nicholas patrick kelly

    i love the names christopher and nicholas...

    their middle names come from their fathers name

    james patrick kelly

    just thought it was a good idea and they sound well together i think anyway

  11. i picked Emma Rose for a girl and Alex Mateo for a boy! i had a boy! 9 months old.

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