
What national security and foreign policy does Pallin have?

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If something happens to president, then the VP is to take the duties and responsibilities of president. Biden as VP has plenty of experience in every sector of politics.

In comparison to Biden, Pallin looks like too naive to handle any presidential responsibilities. you agree?




  1. Biden is a Washington insider connected with big money lobbyists.  His reputation was forever made when it was discovered that he plagiarized his way through college.

    What's more important is who is the CIC!  Barack as President of the god d**n US of KKK A has no foreign policy experience and seems to lack the good judgement and moral principles that Pallin has right from the get go.

    What national security experience does Barack who befriended W Ayers have?

    What will Barack do if he gets that 3AM call about a Muslim terrorism emergency?  Will he resort to his old habits and a snort a few lines of blow with Michelle to help steady his nerves and relieve his problems?

  2. You should be more concerned about Obama's policies since he is actually running for the president.

  3. surely your kidding.. what national security and foreign policy does Obama have... d**n give me a break...and as far as debating Biden.. she will kick the dog chit out of him...she is a h**l of a lot smarter.. he will be like a one legged man in a butt kicking contest...

  4. What exactly was Al Gores foreign policy experience? None zip nada

    Didn't hear you complain then

    McCain will WIN in 08 despite the liberal spin machine

  5. Obama the media creation has no national experience whatsoever.

    That would be the guy on top of your ticket.

  6. Alaska is kind of close to the arctic part of Russia which gives her experience in handling things that are kind of close to rural Russia.

    She was also a beauty contestant and beauty contestants are always for world peace.

  7. What about OBAMA?????  He is your # 1 pick??  If you wanted national security & foreign policy experience why did you pick him?

    Hypocritical I say!

  8. 1. He’s desperate. Let’s stop pretending this race is as close as national polling suggests.


  9. I am very worried about Palin's lack of foreign policy experience. I mean, she has even less than Obama, and we all know that he has almost none!  

  10. What national security and foreign policy experience does HUSSEIN  Obama have ?


  11.   Why you Obamabots focus on a 'what if" really shows how desperate you really are.  What if a meteor hits ?  Or California rolls into the Pacific ?  These are KID games and should be beneath you. What IF Obama IS a socialist ?   Racist ?     And who cares about Biden unless you obviously agree Obama isn't qualified, which he's not.

       Pathetic and adolescent.  

  12. Her position as governor of Alaska makes her a part of NORAD, which has her talking to the Canadians and the Russians.  Her 3 a.m. calls consist of noise of Russian bomber engines and jet noise from NORAD interceptors. Palin also talks to Russia and Canada on other matters such as the environment and trade.  The closest Biden got to foreign relations was the Post-It notes his aids give him.  

    There is no foreign relations on the foreign relations committee and that credential has as much creed as an UN mandate which is none.

    Obama's foreign policy is getting to look much like Bush's.

  13. Excuse me but this may be the first time she's set foot on dry soil.

    Frankly she looks like a cross between Liza Minelli and Tina Fey!!!

    Looks like a million dollar home in Washington and college funds for those 3 dozen kids she is planning on was all the bribing they needed.

  14. In comparison to Biden yes I agree. In comparison to Obama she ranks about the same. So the question this election is do we put talented inexperienced people in the #2 slot so they can learn or do we put them in the Big Boy chair making adult choices with no experience?

  15. she has nada, zip, zero, nothing. It's scary to think that if McCain dies(God forbid) she would be making decisions about this country, decisions that affect me, my family, my friends, and my livelihood, and she is inexperienced. Very scary!

  16. Palin has no national or foreign policy credentials.  Palin is worse than Dan Quayle was to George H.W. Bush and this is going to cost McCain the election.

  17. She said she didn't want to be VP because she "didn't know what the vice president does." Interesting.

  18. Her policy is to send the polar bears to our borders and attack those who try to get in.

    She is merely window dressing on a campaign which is getting as old as, uh, McCain.

  19. If naivete has anything to do with cleaning up the sewer of corruption Palin has been a part of in Alaska, then come on with it!

  20. Come on everyone; doesn't being a Soccer Mom provide an enough experience to rule the world? I mean Senator McCain thinks its OK, and he wouldn't mislead America.........................hum

  21. Same as Obama.  Whatever the wonks at State and Defense have recommended.

    All Palin has to do is get a VP with lots of experience ... which in Washington is not hard to find.  Maybe Cheney can come out of retirement.

  22. She's a last ditch effort, at the most. Come on, we all know that the big question is, who holds the #1 chair. Do we go with the needed change or more of the same? If something happens to McCain if nominated, do you really think that the bureaucrats in Washington (The Bushmen), are going to leave Palin to take charge? Never happen.

    They will find a way for her to step down graciously.

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