
What nationality am i?

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you know when people are born in americans they say their americans but i was born in japan but my parents are korean. i was wondering what is my backround because my friend are tellin me that i am korean-japanese?




  1. You can call yourself Korean, or Korean-Japanese or Japanese or wherever you currently have citizenship.  It's really up to you.

    Some Americans do add their family's origin, like Polish-American, Irish-American, African-American.  Most don't.

  2. Nationality refers to where you were born and what country you consider yourself a citizen of.

    Ethnicity, the culture you identify with, may vary from nationality.  It might be the place you were born, where you live, or where your parents came from.

    In an oversimplified nutshell nationality is where you live and ethnicity is how you live.

  3. You are what I believe to be an "Asian-American". I know it's generalized but if you look at the African Americans, they have lineage from Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Niger, Mauritania, etc...but consider themselves African Americans.

  4. well nationality is different from ethnicity. your nationality would be japanese and your ethnicity would be korean.  

  5. Where was your birth registered or have you become a citezen of another country since then.

    You're asia by way of your parents,assuming they were both korean,

    but unless you got duel citezenship by way of having korean parents and being born in japan, much like your parents could have you regstered in the us if you were born here,if allowed by Korea.

    It gets confussin sometimes.

      You're asian'

      you're korean just becase your parents were.

  6. Well technically you are Korean-Japanese but the question is are you considered you be a citizen of Japan? If not, then you're just Korean.
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