
What nationality are the Kooks (band)?

by  |  earlier

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I know this is a dumb question but its been bugging me I know the singer is something and it's driving me crazy because I can't figure out what nationality he is I think he's British or Irish but I'm not to sure!

also if you don't know who the Kooks are don't leave a comment say who are they?? that is just a waste of my time and yours.




  1. I've heard a lot about them lately - I think he's Irish? But I could be wrong.

    And wouldn't "British" mean Irish, too? Don't you mean English???

  2. British.

  3. the kooks are amazing. i believe on bbc they said that they were english [well duh if they were on english television.]

    Plus. i dont think the british like the kooks much, or thats what i've heard...

  4. Brits (England) - I've liked them since they came out a couple of years ago.  Great band!

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