
What nationality do you consider the best looking?

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What nationality do you consider the best looking?




  1. Attractiveness is in a state of flux as soon as one country is announced as good looking all the ugly people try to move there. Men British/Irish women Dutch. George Clooney Mathew Mcconaghey and Pierce Brosnan are Irish. Rebcca Romijn is dutch. But here is the deal with good looking people. Good looking people will sleep with ugly people especially good looking  women.  The best looking people are from remote areas where ugly people had little access in the old days or very poor areas. In addition there was racist laws and religious barriers that kept out people that weren't considered attractive. We now live in a multicultural world. Attractive people are on the decline because ugly people are moving in and being absorbed into more attractive gene pools.  Jesus was asked  by a man who commited murder why he couldnt go in to heaven. Why not make an exception? Jesus said if I let you in than it wouldn't be heaven? In other words heaven is heaven because it doesn't have murderers. If Jesus let him in it wouldn't be the same. I knew this ugly guy who wanted to emigrate to Austrailia he was half japaneese and scottish. He thought they were racist. But  he wanted to go over there and sleep with the women and they wouldn't let him live there but wasn't he selfish? Say he had a genetic defect or would open up a factory there and exploit them isn't that selfish?  There are two kinds of people in the world one  if the see a beautiful animal in the wild. One who will shoot it and stuff it on his wall and the other who will let it go free which one are you?

  2. Arabs, of any nationality.

  3. Nigerian!!!

  4. british men are hot and the accent, irresistable.  

  5. Russian  

  6. jamaicans.they seem to have a unique look about them.

  7. Mexican!!!! I would choose Selma Hayek or Jessica Alba over any broad any day!

  8. Japanese

  9. Very hard to answer when there is ugly people in all nationalities and very beautiful ones as well.

  10. NIGERIAN?! You like their music do you. ANYWAY

    You cant say you are attracted to one race, its so stupid, you get those silly girls who go out, just to get a man of another race, just to be diferent, or to p**s their dad off, and the same with blokes, who go out to **** an Asian women for example, just because its the 'thing' to do.

    You cannot say a particular race is the best looking.

    I have been with black (African) men, Asian men, and white men, and have been with my husband for 4 years now, who is Gambian (African), and its not because of his race, he has been with black women and a Spanish women, and me (white English) and we both have never said what race we prefer, its such a stupid thing to say, and we certainly wont be raising our three beautiful children to think like that.

    If you only let yourself be attracted to one race/nationality whatever, you will miss the true person that could actually be the one for you whi is decent and genuine, all because you looking for a certain nationality/race etc.

    Thats my little rant over, haha!!!!!!!!

    Sorry if you are just asking, I just hate quesitons like this, I really should stop answering these questions!!!!!!!

  11. The English Rose

  12. Chinese.

  13. English -YEAH! (I am biased), or nepalese

  14. there are good looking people in all nationality's. spanish people have lovely dark skin and eyes and always look healthy.

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