
What nationality is the name "Gernek"?

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who is "we"? ;S




  1. i would say Austrian or Hungarian it might be a Hungarian surname but it cloud also be a Austrian surname

  2. If you use the exact spelling in the 1900 census.. the only ones shown seem to be German.  Of course.. it can easily be that the source where you find this spelling, is inaccurate.. the original could easily be something else.  The census is notorious for spelling mistakes.

    Other sources include persons from German, Austria and even Amsterdam.

    When you have multiple locations, you HAVE to research the actual person and where they or their ancestors actually come from.  Eastern Europe is very much prone to historical boundary changes.. so there is often no one absolute answer.

  3. Gernek is probably a variation of Gurnik, which is an Austrian/Hungarian name.  It's also found in Russia, Poland, Germany and Czechoslovakia.

  4. we don't have this nationality. i think it should be bad spelling.

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