
What (natrual) foods should I substitute for meat????

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I'm 11 (nearly 12) So I'm still growing but I want to turn vegetarian what foods should I eat in substitute of meat




  1. Well for starters, you could eat just that: meat substitutes. They have things called 'mock meat' that is really just made out of vegetables and soy. There is no meat at all in them. You can get veggie burgers, veggie chicken nuggets, veggie hot dogs and even veggie ribs. You can also get tofurky bacon instead of regular bacon...tofurky bacon is made out of tofu, but it looks and tastes like bacon. But the good thing is it's not! They also have veggie breakfast sausages by a company called Morning Star that are quite delicious. And my veggie hot dogs and veggie burgers are usually purchased from a company called Boca. But I do like Smart Dogs as well, which are a brand of veggie dogs.

    Well I hope I didn't confuse the living daylights out of ya. If you don't feel comfortable eating 'mock meat's, you could always substitute meat for regular foods such as pasta, burritos, veggies and tons of other stuff.

    Hope I helped and good luck!

  2. Hi Courtney! You can eat beans and rice, nuts, tofu, seitan, TVP, tempeh, fruits, vegetables,  quinoa, peanut butter and other nut butters, lentils, chickpeas, spirulina, buckwheat, amaranth, broccoli, mushrooms, potatoes, apples, banana, oranges,  watermelon, seeds (hemp, flax, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower), fortified plant milks, some premade meals (such as Amy's, etc) & meat substitutes (such as Boca, Gardenburger, Tofurkey, Lightlife, Morningstar, Yves, etc).

    No chicken and beef stock/broth contain the remains of the chicken or cow bones/carcass so therefore are not vegetarian friendly, there are however vegetables broths, mushroom broths, as well as many other broths that are vegetarian friednyl!

  3. The three main nutrients in meat are Protein, Iron and Vitamin B12.

    If you usually get those three things from non-meat sources then you have nothing to worry about.

    But if you usually get them from meat, you'll want to find some substitutes.

    For Protein:


    Nothing beats Tempeh (a soy product) and Seitan (wheat gluten).

    Some other decent sources include soybeans, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, refried beans, lima beans, tofu, peas, brown rice, soy milk, peanut butter and nuts.

    If you want something convenient, you can find ready-made substitutes at the grocery store, like veggie burgers, that have quite a bit of protein.

    Just check the package to see how much protein they contain.

    For Iron:


    Iron is in so many foods now days that you really don't need to worry about it.

    Spinach, soybeans, lentils, tofu and cereal are good sources of iron.

    For B12:


    You can get B12 from eggs and dairy products that come from small local farms where the chickens are treated well and the cows are treated far better than the ones in the factory farms.

    But the best option is to just take a cheap B12 supplement.

    You can buy cheap multivitamins (like Centrum) that contain both vitamin B12 and iron, as well as many other vitamins and minerals.

    I wish you the very best!!

    You're making a very intelligent choice that will benefit the entire planet!

    (no, chicken and beef stock are not vegetarian friendly)



    There are many vegetarian recipes.

    I think you can find answers here.

    I found a very good recipe web site.

    There are many good recipes.

    I think this site is helpful to you.

  5. Boca burgers are yum. I treat them just like hamburgers with all the fixins.  You can also buy portabella mushroom burgers.  I got some at Walmart.  Or just buy the shrooms and grill em up.  If you're not going completely is delish, especially Salmon. Eat lots of beans and green leafy vegetables.

  6. Vegetarians do not eat food that was cooked in chicken or beef stock.

    They also never eat fish, shrimp or clams since vegetarians do not eat animals and all of those fall under that kingdom.

    Protein is found very easily in the plant kingdom.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help if you see proof that vegetarian people have the same potential as anyone else.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

  7. rice and beans are a perfect combination  

  8. im not vegetarian but eat a lot of vegetarian meals. we eat a lot of beans, nuts and eggs. i was also told that dates have a lot of protein and god knows we get tons of those! i read somewhere that lentils were a good source of protein. if you are in the west you can buy all kinds of yummy stuff that is vegan from your local health food store! i remember seeing bacon, hamburgers and hot dogs even... all made with tofu or soya.

  9. Heya Court.

    EGGS! Eggs are good for meat substitute, packed full of protien. If your considering not eating eggs (as some vegetarians dont!) then lentils, tofu, beans and chickpeas are coool choices.

    And there are HUGE variety of vegetarian meat substitutes now days. I enjoy lentil pattys, vegetable schnizle etc.

    Good luck in yoour choice.  

  10. No, chicken and beef stock are not vegetarian friendly - they're made from meat!

    Vegetarians get their protein through things like beans, lentils and tofu.  Some eat fish as well.

  11. Do you mean things to substitute the protein and other nutrients or actual fake meats? Fake meats has lots of protein, and no chicken and beef stock aren't vegetarian friendly.

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